waking up to new feelings

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Christian POV:
*Umph* I groaned stretching in the bed. Wait, bed? Why am I in a bed? And who's bed?

Yesterday's memories came back to me. I was going to become a vampire. What would happen afterwards? How would I ever find a girl I liked and marry her? She would just die. Would I have to bite her? How did my parents meet and marry? What if I was the werewolf? But honestly I doubted it.

Look at Marcus, the star athlete who could beat anyone up. It must be him, I just needed to calm down. As I looked around I recognized the room I was in as Ashley and Cc's. Didn't even want to think about how many times they had had sex on this bed... Ewww... Pulling the black covers away from me I stood up, I wanted to talk to someone. Anyone besides my parents and siblings. Placing my feet on the ground I sat back on the bed. *Creak* I heard the door open, I looked over.

Jake was standing at the door; "Oh hey! Sorry, I thought I heard you waking up". I raised my eyebrow: "You heard me wake up from the kitchen? All I did was pull the covers off and stand up". Blushing he replied "Vampire perks I guess". Shrugging I sighed, I really wanted to talk to him but wasn't totally sure on how to ask him. He went to leave but I finally asked him "Would you mind staying and talking with me?".

Almost immediately he turned around, looking surprised and another emotion I couldn't read. Walking over to me, he sat down on the bed. We sat in silence. "So is there anything specific you wanted to talk about" Jake asked facing me on the bed criss cross applesauce. "I mean yeah, this is gonna sound stupid but I'm scared! I don't want to be the werewolf! Hell, I don't even want to be a vampire and I'm just freaking out inside" I admitted shakily.

"Don't be embarrassed. You totally have a right to be scared! Uncle Cc was terrified. Your doing better then him. And I know you may not be happy with what life threw at you right now but there's nothing you can do to change it. All you can do is make the best of it. Yeah, it's gonna be hard sometimes but your gonna make it through! We will all be here to support you, werewolf or not" Jake smiled hugging me in a friendly caring way. This actually made me feel better. "And it won't hurt at all" I asked blushing. "Not a bit!" he grinned making me smile.

"Anything else I can help you with? Any questions on specific things?" He smiled placing a hand on mine. I thought about moving it but something in me decided against it. "Well... Umm.. What about the whole marriage thing and having kids and shit" I asked looking down awkwardly.

Looking up I saw Jake made a strange face, almost like he was hurt but quickly plastered on another smile. But his new smile didn't seem genuine. "Its different then humans but a much more effective process. All vampires have one true mate. Sometimes the mate will already be a vampire, making it easy for the two to marry and be together forever. But sometimes one mate is vampire and the other human. In that situation the vampire must bite and change their mate or both will die from depression and physical needs by the time the human is around 25. The two ways for a vampire change to be completed once bitten is to either drink human blood or make love. If they choose to have sex that is their one shot at ever having kids. So if they get pregnant she will always be able to have kids but if not she will always be unable to have kids. Understand?" Jake asked. Nodding I looked at him, his structured jawline. Warm brown eyes, strong arms, wavy black hair. Never before had I noticed how handsome he was. My eyes were glued to him in his black skinnies and pantera cut off shirt.

"Ermm... are there any cool vampire perks or anything I should know about?" I asked finally managing to focus on what I was saying instead of Jakes body. "Yeah I guess. Perfect eyesight, really good hearing, amazing sense of smell, umm... OH! Since your a guy you will get a vampire face. Its kind of an old tradition but it never really went away. Once you find your mate they will paint your face with special paint and then drink your blood and then you drink their blood and your then blood connected. But whenever your protecting your mate or really mad or when you just want to look cool you will be able to show your war paint to anyone you choose." he shrugged. God he was sexy. But I'm straight, not gay! After we sat in silence for a little longer Jake got up; "If you ever need to talk again just tell me! We are always here for you! All of us" and left the room.

As the door shut behind him I felt a pang in my heart. Loneliness? Standing up I went and looked in my mirror. Was I really gay? Was that really who I was? For Jake Pitts? I began to pace, worrying. But like Jake had said, I would have no choice over the matter. It was all fate.

Sighing I buried my head in my hands, was I in love with Jake? Was he my mate? Most importantly what would my parents say and does Jake already know? Well I guess there's only one way to find out; "Jakeee" I called down the hallway. Seconds later he was there frowning "Is something wrong. Do you need too talk" he asked looking concerned. "Something like that.... Can you just come in?" I asked internally flipping out. He knew how nervous I was too, he could hear my heartbeat.

Seconds later we were locked in my room, and I looked him in the eyes. "Jake, ever since you left my room earlier I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. And I've come to a conclusion. To the conclusion that your my mate" I said and crashed my lips onto his. Fireworks flew, I felt a connection instantly. Honestly I lost track of time as we were kissing, that was until I heard the door open. Immediately I pulled away and looked to the door. Andy stood there smirking "I will leave now, but Jake. Jinxx is coming to talk to Christian now so be careful" and left like nothing had happened. A quick peck on the cheek and Jake left also, we would need to talk later for sure. I think I just found me my mate! How is this gonna work?

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