Are you ready for this shit?

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Marcus POV:
All I wanted to do right now was bleach my mouth out. How did my parents enjoy that stuff? It was terrifying thinking that soon I would be like that, and possibly a werewolf. I would prefer to be 100% vampire, no werewolf. Life would just be easier. As easy as it was gonna get.

The taste of the blood stayed in my mouth, metallic and gritty. Thicker then water but still a liquid. Disgusting. Ugh. Throughout the entire car ride home I said nothing, unable to stop thinking about it. My parents tried to strike up conversation a couple times but didn't push it when me and my sister didn't answer. Blood. Blood. Blood. Finally we pulled into our driveway, I had never been happier to see our house!

Another wave of nausea rushed through me and I ran in the house, straight to the nearest bathroom. Seconds later I threw up. This time my mom stayed in the bathroom next to me, I was thankful. After I had finished I got up and quickly headed to the kitchen. A glass of WATER sounded really good right now. Keyword: water.

Grabbing a glass out of the cupboard I filled it with some water and quickly drank it all. Thankfully it helped to wash out some of the blood taste out of my mouth. Looking beside me I noticed Ariel was doing the same thing. "How you feelin" I asked her once I was done with my water. "Scared I guess, unprepared maybe? I'm not ready to be a vampire" she admitted. And that was a lot coming from Ariel, she never admitted when she was scared.

"Yeah, I understand. Actually I kinda feel the same way" I confessed. "At least I don't have to worry if I'm a werewolf or not" she smiled at me. I laughed; "Honestly, my bets are on Christian. He's buffed up a lot lately and Ashley said he beat up some kid at the mall. Like really badly". "If only Christian would get home, I want to have some triplet talk time" she huffed causing me to roll my eyes. As if planned timing we heard the familiar hum of Jakes car in the driveway.

We ran to the door excited to see Christian and Jake. Jake and Christian got out of the car and walked up to the step. But then the unexpected happened, like the REALLY unexpected. "What the fuck" Ariel whispered to me as we watched out the window on the door. Jake had hugged Christian, but not in a friendly type of hug. Like a dating type of hug. And then it got even crazier, if possible. Placing his lips on Christians forehead, Jake then trailed them down to let them linger slightly on Christians lips.

Christian didn't do anything to stop him or even look surprised. In fact it looked like he was kissing him back? What in the world was going on? Was it some vampire mind trick? Jake wouldn't do that? Right... "I can't just watch this anymore" I muttered knowing Ariel would hear me. Pushing the door open with all my might it made a loud bang catching both of their attention. Finally.

"What the hell do you think is going on? Is this some sort of vampire mind trick?" I scowled and in my rage actually trying to pin Jake up against a wall. It didn't work of course but still.

"Marcus stop!" Christian said angrily. "Look it! If you let me inside Marcus and Ariel I can explain. I'm not trying to take advantage of anyone. I love all three of you" Jake sighed hopefully. "Marcus let him in, its Jake for Gods Sake" Ariel peeped from behind the door. "Fine, but I've already had a bad morning" I said letting them both inside. We all went upstairs and into our hang out room. It had our televisions, record player, speakers and games and stuff. All of us sat around the table. "Explain" Ariel raised a brow.

"So you guys remember how vampires all have one true mates" Jake asked. My mind thought back to the conversation and I recalled that part, we both nodded. "Well it's kind of a long and hard story. Let me start from the beginning" Jake said somberly, obviously pained. "I did have previous mate. I loved her more then anything, I would do anything for her. Anything. She was amazing. Together we decided that i would bite her and then we would make love. Completing the change. It would be perfect, me and her could have eternity together. After biting her, and we were about to finalize it when everything went wrong. The girls dad stormed it, after someone told her about the whole vampire thing and our plans. He kidnapped her, thought that if they waited the virus out she would go back to normal. But as you know, that's not how it works. Once bitten, you either change or die. She tried telling her father, but he thought she was lying. All of us tried to find her but her father had hidden her too well with too many bodyguards. Finally after a week of suffering she died" Jake let a tear slide down his cheek. I couldn't believe how hard that must be for him.

"We all thought that was my one chance at love, but then I had a dream. Ella came to me in a dream and told me that I would soon find love and another mate soon. As soon as I woke up I got a call saying your mom went into labor and then you were born. The second you were born I knew I was mated to one of you. Just wasn't sure who. Honestly, I thought it was Ariel because I was positive I was straight. But I never felt anything towards her, then I realized I loved Christian" he confessed wiping a tear away from his eye.

"So you guys? Are like? Mated?" Ariel asked. I was still speechless. My mind was still comprehending this. "Yeah, and there's proof" Jake smiled and began to pull of his shirt. "Woah! Your not gonna make us watch you canoodle or anything right?" I asked slightly scared. Jake shot me a look so I'm assuming it was no. "Look at my back, all mates get their mates names scarred onto their back. That's one way you know." he said turning around so we could see his back. And just like he had said, Christian Ashley Ferguson was written on his back. But it didn't look like a tattoo, but like a scar. Just as Jake had said. "Mom and dad have those, and so do Juliet and Andy" Ariel gasped.

"Speaking of mom and dad, do they know?" I asked curiously. Mom and Dad could really rain on this lovey Dovey parade they had going on right now. "No, we are planning on telling them when Jakes name is on my back. So it's official and they can't take us apart" Christian spoke.

"So why'd you have a bad day?" Jake asked with a raised brow. Grudgingly I told him what had happened. He looked disgusted; "That's terrible". But the worst part wasn't what had happened, it was that I had enjoyed the taste of the blood.

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