And your present is...

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Ashley POV:
Pulling my stool up to my pride and joy-my Harley- I began my routine morning hand wash. Ariel had asked if I would give her a ride today so I promised to take her to the cabin and home from it. We would all being staying at the cabin well they were transitioning but I heard it was a big place. Ash was staying at a friends house for the next week and half well at would be with them. It was for her safety she couldn't come. Even though she was half mermaid she still had human blood coursing through her veins and the triplets might not be able to control themselves.

Squeezing the soapy excess water out of my towel I heard Jinxx's car drive down the driveway. Standing up from my stool and drying off my hands I went to meet them. Ariel, Marcus, Jinxx and Adri hopped out of the black SUV. Hugging Adri and Ariel and giving Jinxx and Marcus a bro handshake. "You ready little lady" I winked, her father wasn't in love with this idea. "I'm so excited! I've always wanted to ride a motorcycle" she grinned making me a proud uncle. "You've done a good job man" I fake tested up patting Jinxx's shoulder. "Just be careful. She's not invincible yet" Adri warned. "Your children are always safe with me" I said seriously.

"Marcus and Christian are next" I teased looking directly at Marcus. "If I don't go totally crazy tonight, just maybe. But Christian... You two may share a name but I don't think he really loves fast moving unprotected vehicles" Marcus smiled cheekily earning an elbow jab from his mother. "Well we better get going, Marcus wants to stop out to eat before we head to the cabin. Just have her there by 130 and you should be fine. They weren't born until 5 o clock so I'm guessing that's when they will fall asleep" Jinxx sighed looking at his watch. "Bye guys" I waved as Jinxx, Adri and Marcus hopped into the car. "You can go inside or stay out here with me. I was just cleaning and making sure everything was set up correctly. We will leave in probably 45 minutes" I smiled at my niece. "I think I'm gonna sit out here with you if its ok" she smiled brightly, but I could see the worry behind her eyes. "Sound perfect Kiddo" laughing I sat back down at my stool and Ariel sat on another facing me. "Where's uncle Cc" she asked looking around at all my tools. "He's riding to the cabin with your brother and Jake. Since your riding with me" I answered smirking when I thought about my loves reaction when I told him I was taking Ariel.

"Oh... I miss Christian" she sighed. So the truth came out: "Your brother probably misses you too. He loves you, he just loves Jake too. Besides you guys can basically see each other whenever you want". "Yeah, I guess your right. It's just hard sometimes" she shrugged from behind me. "Well have you told him this? Maybe he is feeling similar emotions" I suggested wringing out the wet rag. "Umm.... no- I've been too nervous every time I try to" Ariel blushed. "Well I'm no expert but I really think you should try that" I finished cleaning my bike. Perfect! My phone started playing "Breaking the law" by Motor head signalling Jinxx was calling me. "It's your father" i told Ariel in mock exasperation.

"Hey dude, why are you calling me? Me and Ariel were just about to leave"

"Ashley, this is serious! Ask Ariel if she is feeling tired at all. Both of the boys are here and incredibly drowsy. It appears the change is speeding up, just like on Cc. Ariel needs to get here immediately"

"Shit. Ok dude, we will get there ASAP. Don't worry"

"Good, bye man. Please protect my daughter no matter what"

"With my life" and i hung up.

"Hey Ariel sweetie, are you feeling tired at all?" please tell me she wasn't tired. It would be a fairly long ride. "Yeah, a little. But I stayed up late last night so that might be why" God Dammit. "Here put this on, we need to leave now" I tossed a black helmet to her and she put it on. Quickly starting the bike I made sure Ariel was holding onto me tightly. Starting the bike I pulled out onto the open road, letting the wind flow through my hair. Riding motorcycles gave me a high like nothing else. We rode for about 15 minutes and I started to relax, Ariel seemed fine. Jinxx was probably just over reacting, like always.

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