Half of us left

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Ariel POV:
As soon as Christian had transformed into a wolf both me and Marcus ran upstairs. We still loved Christian but mom had said that Christian would be more dangerous the first time he changed. Just because we would probably be freaking out and confused. So we ran upstairs and went to the game room. "I'm so glad it's not me but I feel bad" Marcus said flatly looking at the wall. "Yeah, I feel the same. Like I feel almost guilty that he got stuck with it and I didn't" I admitted staring at the wall with him. "Well we should at least tell him that we will always be there for him and still love him the same" He commented from next to me. "That would be a good idea bro" I smiled slightly.

"Do you really think Andy touched mom?" Marcus asked. His voice sounding pained. "I'm gonna be real with you right now- I don't know what to think or believe anymore" I admitted. Suddenly we saw a dark flash out the window we were sitting in front of. "What was that" I asked panicking. It wasn't Christian Right? "Umm... Actually it kind of looked like... like Jake. But they were going so fast it was hard to tell" Marcus gasped standing up trying to get a better look. Unfortunately whatever or whoever it was was moving too fast and was already gone. "Jake wouldn't do that, it's his mate" I tried convincing both of us. Would Jake hurt Christian like that? "Your right, he wouldn't do that to Chris-" Marcus started to say before a loud ear splitting howl shook the entire house.

Anyone could tell that it was a pained howl, you could hear the despair. It was Jake. He missed Jake. "That asshole" Marcus cursed from beside me. The next couple of minutes were spent in silence, no one knew what to say. *BANG* it sounded like the door slamming downstairs and another black streak in our driveway. "It was Dad. I saw his face" Marcus whispered. "So they all know?" I asked nervously. "They all know" he confirmed.

"Do you think they are mad? At Christian or Jake?" He asked me concerned. "No, they shouldn't be. Neither of them could control who they mated." I tried consoling him. "Why do you think Dad just went and chased after Jake then?" Marcus asked me. "Probably because he was pissed he left Christian and left" I said truthfully. If I was a dad I would be pretty pissed off if my sons mate just left him in a time of need. We heard someone walking down the hall, they paused by the door to the game room. It sounded like Christians footsteps. After about 30 seconds the footsteps picked up again. He wasn't coming in here. A few minutes later the footsteps walked by again and headed back downstairs.

Curious as to what was going on now that Christian was human again we waited for him to pass. Then once the coast was clear we went and sat at the top of the stairs. The stairs led into the living room so we would be able to hear anything in the living room or kitchen. As long as we weren't caught.

Uncle Ashley started to speak before Andy interjected: "Dude, I think Juliet, me and Adri need to tell this story". Nodding, he stopped talking. Andy started first: "Your mother was fairly new to the house, I think it was her second week being there. Me and Juliet were watching TV in our room. All I remember is getting really sleepy and waking up in the hospital bed. The events of that night only came to me after people started to tell me what happened". Juliet spoke next, "We were just watching television when Andy went all stiff. Nervous I tried to help him. About 30 seconds later he got up and kissed me, hard. Confused I tried to push him off of me- so I could see what happened. But him being stronger then me resisted. Eventually he pushed me up against the wall and started to try and touch me inappropriately but never fully raped me. I was screaming and crying and thrashing around the entire time and your mothers room was right next to ours. Hearing a ton of noise she came to investigate. If she hadn't I would have been raped, not her." You could hear she was about to burst into tears. Pain in her voice was evident. Mom spoke shakily: "Just as Juliet said I heard a ton of noise and wondered what was happened. I remember thinking that there might be 'vampire assassins' and I should go help Juliet and Andy. Once I got in there I was horrified. Andy had a crying Juliet pushed up against the wall and was touching her roughly. As I was about to leave Andy turned around and tried to get me. At first your father was protecting me but then Andy got me. First he was about to bite me, but then he raped me and punched me. Knocking me out. As everyone was watching." she cried. Uncle Ashley spoke, his voice cracking; "Me and Uncle Cc were out hunting that night. The next morning we got a call from Jake saying your mother and Andy were in the hospital. He said he would tell us the details when we got there. But we also had a voicemail. It said that Andy had been possessed by a very powerful and evil vampire. The one that turned me. That's why Andy has no recollection of that night, he was possessed." he finished.

Me and Marcus both were to shocked to listen to whatever else they said. This had happened in our house? What room? What if it was in Christian and Marcus room? What if it was in my room? Looking at Marcus horror filled his eyes. "MARCUS! ARIEL! Get your asses down here! Your cousin needs your help" My dad called up the stairs. They must have found Jake if he was home. We headed down the stairs slowly, so they wouldn't know we had heard. "Ash turned in a public pool! We need to go" my dad said and dragged me and Marcus outside. Everyone was going apparently besides Andy, Juliet, Jake and Christian. "How many cars are we taking" Marcus asked obviously confused. "We aren't taking cars" Dad winked and threw him up on his back. Like a piggy back ride. Next thing I knew I found myself on the back of Uncle Ashley. Oh fuck. Please tell me this wasn't what I thought. "Hold on tight" he grinned like a madman.

Wind and trees and all sorts of shit went flying past me. Every second my grip tightened on uncle Ashley a little more. If I fell off there was no way I would survive. Even though I would never admit it, it was actually sort of fun. Like a REALLY fast roller coaster. Finally I felt us stop in front of what I recognized as the school. The pool was right through those doors. "Woah... Ariel I love your hair" Dad laughed pointing at me. Pulling out my phone I saw he was right. My hair looked like a birds nest. There probably was a few animals living in there actually.

Once everyone got there we all ran into the pool room. Ash was standing there wrapped in a towel talking to another lifeguard. He must be the supernatural that called us. He had a lot of tattoos and a nose ring, but they suited him. He was incredibly tall, by the way Ash was talking to him I could tell she liked him. We would have to talk about that later. As soon as she saw us Ash came and ran over to us. "You ok baby girl?" Uncle Ashley asked embracing her. "Fine daddy" she smiled. The lifeguard started to walk over. "Guys, this is Austin! He's a werewolf" she blushed looking up at him.

Werewolf... Like Christian.... "Thank you Austin! You saved our baby" Uncle Cc said immediately hugging him. "No problem sir. Anything to help a pretty mermaid like Ash" he smiled. Cc pulled away: "Pretty girl?". "Sir... I was just being a gentleman. Your daughter is very pretty, would you prefer I not call her pretty?" Austin asked looking slightly scared. "Nope" Uncle Ashley said popping the P. Eventually we all headed home, me on Ashley's back and Marcus on Dads. Ash rode home on uncle Cc's back.

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