No no no....

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Jake POV:
"So you guys are almost 17. Fuck your getting old, growing up straight in front of our eyes. But anywho! Your 17th birthdays won't be like everyone elses. You see... This is gonna sound really weird... We are all... Well... We are all what you know as vampires. Yes, vampires. And 3 of you are also vampires. 2 of you are full bred vampires. You see y-Ash darling please keep questions till the end-. As I was saying! You see the reason you guys never knew was because we figured it would make the first 16 years of your life easier if you didn't know. But the year of your 17th birthday we knew we would have to tell you. Any questions so far?" Cc asked the kids. He was doing a really good job. All the adults in the room knew he was secretly shitting bricks but I don't think the kids could tell.

My eyes wandered towards the four of them. Curious on how they were taking it. Marcus, Ash and Ariel just looked confused and a little scared. But poor Christian looked like he was borderline on passing out. I felt a pang of sadness fill me, confusing me. Why hadn't I felt that sadness for Ariel? My mate. Honestly I had never felt anything for Ariel but I was hoping now that she knew it would open up her feelings for me and mine for her. Hopefully.... What would happen if I didn't? I knew I was mated to one of those kids, and i was positive I wasn't gay. There was no way!

Andy jabbed me in the side discreetly "Stop staring at Christian. You look like your about to pounce on him and drain him dry". Oops... Didn't want to scare him more then I already had. Instantly I diverted my eyes, maybe a little too fast. Too fast because everyone in the room started looking at me, Andy spoke; "Jake over here was just demonstrating the vampire speed you will get". "Err... Yeah" I said awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck. Andy was staring holes into the back of my head. Eventually everyone went back to the topic at hand, until Christian was the only one left looking at me. Shooting him a weak smile and thumbs up he looked away. Even though I was glad he had finally looked away I found myself unable to look away from him.

Once again Andy was forced to jab me in the side with his elbow. Luckily no one noticed this time.

Trying to focus on Ariel, not Christian I focused on her. She was pretty, beautiful. But every time I looked at her all I could see was a sister, a niece. Nothing more. What was wrong with me? Maybe I needed to touch her, make a connection. Standing up I silently made my way over to her. No one even noticed. Just as I was about to place a finger on her neck someone growled. "Don't touch her" a low throaty growl was released behind me. Turning around I was surprised by the source of the threat. It was small little Christian. But hey, I guess what they say is true. It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. Something at that moment clicked, I knew who I loved. And it scared, excited and surprised me at the same time. I was in love with Christian Ashley Ferguson and I was gay. Fuck.

The rest of the conversation went as calmly as it could. That was until Ariel made a remark about how she didn't want to kill innocent people and ruin their families. All of us were taken back. Remembering Adrienne and Cc's father. It had taken a toll on all of us. Someone eventually got the conversation back on track, finally. But then I noticed something was wrong with Christian. His breathing and heart rate had sped up and he looked pale. Paler then usual.

It was obvious something was wrong. My heart ached seeing him like this. The only thing I wanted to do was help him, but I couldn't make it obvious. I leapt up, convincing Jinxx and Adri to let me care for their son. Andy carried him into Ashley and Cc's bedroom since it was the closest bed. Placing my hands on either side of Christians face I pulled his mind to sleep. Draining away his pain and sadness. Well also seeing what he was so afraid of. He was just scared, just like his mother and uncle had been. Not that I could blame any of them for being afraid.

As soon as I knew he was asleep I turned to Andy; "I know who I love now, and I'm scared, excited and surprised all at once". "Tell me, I'm already know I just want to hear you admit it." he grinned cheekily like he knew a secret no one else did. Which I guess he kind of did, but still! He didn't have to be all smarty pants about it.

"I'm mated to Christian" I confessed the realness of it all confusing me. How had I not known I was gay? For like 130 years? Ugh, what would his parents say? "Andy what the hell am I gonna do? Jinxx and Adri are gonna kill me?" I asked slightly freaking out. "Your gonna be fine! Remember the plan we made the day they were born? Well we are gonna follow it, no matter who you mated! Just let him make the move, in guessing as soon as he wakes up he will start to love you back" Andy assured me trying to calm me down. It kind of worked. But not totally....

"How am I gonna stay away from him? Can you imagine being so close but so far away from Juliet" I asked slightly hysterical now but still quiet so no one could hear us. Thankfully Christian was asleep next to us and he wouldn't wake up for probable 6-12 hours. "I'm gonna be honest with you, I can't imagine life without my dragonfly. But your gonna have to do this so you can have him for eternity with no struggle and minimum fighting. Then you can have it all." Andy admitted honestly. "Your right I can do this and I'm gonna have to do this" I sighed looking at my love next to me. Andy smiled and left the room leaving me alone with the unconscious Christian.

His skin was beginning to regain some color. Jet black hair framing his perfect face."I will always love you and no matter what happens be there for you. No matter what anyone says" I placed my lips on his for the first time and last time in forever. Fireworks flew. More passion in this kiss then any kiss I had ever had since.... Since Ella. My lips still on his I thought back to the dream I had had with Ella. Her blessing. "Thank you love, don't ever think you've been forgotten" I whispered shooting a quick prayer to her.

Every night I would pray to Ella, thanking her and asking for guidance. It always made me feel at peace.

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