The truth

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Christian POV:
Juliet, Ashley, Cc, Mom and Andy were currently sitting around me. "Christian, why did you think we wouldn't support you?" Ashley asked looking a little hurt. Shrugging, I answered; "It's not the gay thing I thought you wouldn't support, it was Jake. We were planning on telling you when I got my mate marking. Which I guess we did, it just didn't go as planned". Mom sighed, tears in her eyes. "Sure, I guess there's a little bit of an age difference. But there was with me and your father. I'm just glad you can both be happy. Especially after what happened to Jake" She said softly taking my hand in hers. "Tell me what happened with Andy. I deserve to know. Plus it will take my mind off of Jake" i demanded. Partly because I wanted to know but partly because I wanted to stop thinking about when Jake would get back.

Uncle Ashley started to speak before Andy interjected: "Dude, I think Juliet, me and Adri need to tell this story". Nodding, he stopped talking. Andy started first: "Your mother was fairly new to the house, I think it was her second week being there. Me and Juliet were watching TV in our room. All I remember is getting really sleepy and waking up in the hospital bed. The events of that night only came to me after people started to tell me what happened". Juliet spoke next, "We were just watching television when Andy went all stiff. Nervous I tried to help him. About 30 seconds later he got up and kissed me, hard. Confused I tried to push him off of me- so I could see what happened. But him being stronger then me resisted. Eventually he pushed me up against the wall and started to try and touch me inappropriately but never fully raped me. I was screaming and crying and thrashing around the entire time and your mothers room was right next to ours. Hearing a ton of noise she came to investigate. If she hadn't I would have been raped, not her." She was almost in tears at this point. You could tell it was hard for her to talk about this. My mom spoke shakily: "Just as Juliet said I heard a ton of noise and wondered what was happened. I remember thinking that there might be 'vampire assassins' and I should go help Juliet and Andy. Once I got in there I was horrified. Andy had a crying Juliet pushed up against the wall and was touching her roughly. As I was about to leave Andy turned around and tried to get me. At first your father was protecting me but then Andy got me. First he was about to bite me, but then he raped me and punched me. Knocking me out. As everyone was watching." she cried. Uncle Cc held her, tears in his own eyes. Uncle Ashley spoke, his voice cracking; "Me and Uncle Cc were out hunting that night. The next morning we got a call from Jake saying your mother and Andy were in the hospital. He said he would tell us the details when we got there. But we also had a voicemail. It said that Andy had been possessed by a very powerful and evil vampire. The one that turned me. That's why Andy has no recollection of that night, he was possessed." he finished.

Tears were now flowing down my own cheeks: "Did Andy.... Did Andy take your virginity?". Looking down as if ashamed my mother nodded. Andy immediately got up and left the room quickly. "He didn't know that" Juliet sighed and got up to follow him. "Tell him I don't blame him in the slightest" I called to her. I knew she would hear me.

"Can I go... err... put some clothes on?" I asked sheepishly blushing. "Of course" Uncle Cc laughed slightly wiping sea some tears. This was the only time I had ever seen him, Ashley or Andy cry.

Going upstairs I went to my room, not bothering to check any of my siblings rooms. Quickly I threw on some skinnies and a FFDP shirt.Heading back downstairs Andy and Juliet were still gone, Ashley Cc and mom were still on the couch. Sitting down with them I waited for Jake. Just waited. Finally I heard the door swing open. Before I could even make it to the kitchen I felt someone's arms wrapped around me. And tears on my shirt, but they weren't mine. "Honey, I'm so sorry. I love you wolf or not. Actually it's pretty cool that your a wolf! I never should have freaked out or acted that way. I'm sorry" Jake squeezed me.

This was the most vulnerable I had ever seen him. Even though he was like 3 inches taller then me. "So you still love me?" I asked hopefully. "More then ever" he assured me rubbing my back and squeezing me. "So I know the happy couple is reunited again but I still have some guidelines" My dad said from behind us. Reluctantly we pulled away from each other. "Please- come sit with me" he motioned towards the couch. Nervously I sat down next to Jake, he squeezed me hand reassuringly. God I loved that man! He made everything better.

"So now that your mates your going to feel attracted towards each other. Very attracted towards each other if you get my drift" my dad said with a raised eyebrow. I felt Jake smirk beside me. "Sorry dude, just never thought I would be getting the sex talk from my best friend" Jake let out a small laugh. Dad tried to look mad but ended up laughing alongside him. "Pitts! Honestly, neither did I. But yeah, no sex preferably till marriage. But chances are you will kill him or seriously injure him if you have sex before his 16th birthday. And Jake, I don't want to hear about it when it does happen. Since you are mates, I will allow you to move in with Jake. Living without him will be seriously dangerous for you and your wolf. Mentally and physically" my dad said seriously. Woah? I'm aloud to live with Jake! My heart soared, I think everyone could tell because Ashley chuckled. "Don't get too excited there buddy" he said pointing at me.

Mom gasped; "Jeremy! You can't be serious! Letting him move out". Dad frowned, "Honey, remember how hard it was for us if we didn't sleep together. Imagine being in different houses. They could get physically or emotionally sick if they don't live together". My mom sighed, obviously unhappy but still said "I guess your right". Uncle Cc came running in the room. "Guys! Ash changed! Into a mermaid! At the pool at the gym! No one is there now but we have to go get her! She's freaking out. Luckily the lifeguard there was supernatural and grabbed her phone and called me but she needs our help" he panted.

"MARCUS! ARIEL! GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE! WE NEED TO HELP ASH" My mom called up the stairs. "Christian you and Jake can stay home. Juliet and Andy are here so no funny business. Just stay home and make up" my dad pointed at us as Ariel and Marcus made their way down the stairs. "When we get back, we are having some serious triplet talk time"
ARIEL called to me as she walked out the door.

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