Story time

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Christian POV:
Pulling into Jakes driveway I looked up at his house from the passengers seat. It was pretty big considering only one person had been living there, but I think Jake had money. Not that I cared, I would love him down to our last penny. "Here it is, casa de Pitts" he smiled and parked the car. "Jake I've been here before, like a lot. I had my 7th birthday party here" I laughed. Just as I was going to open my door Jake was already there holding the door open. "God damn vampire speed" I muttered fully knowing he would hear me. Chuckling he went and opened the trunk and pulled out my bags and stuff.

As Jake rolled 2 suitcases past me I went to the back and grabbed one. Looking behind him he started laughing at me because he could carry two at once and I could only carry one. We brought all my suitcases to the base of the stairs, we could carry them all up once they were inside. After a couple trips to the car all my stuff was at the base of the stairs. "So err... I have a guest room if your more comfortable there for now but you can also sleep in my bed with me" Jake rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Is it ok if I just move right into your room?" I asked hopefully. Immediately Jakes head shot up smiling: "Of course! Let's bring this stuff upstairs. I have walk in closet that we can share so it should all fit" he grinned obviously excited. It might have just been me but I felt like Jake brought all my stuff upstairs with record speed and enthusiasm.

Looking at the mass amount of stuff I had I groaned: "Jakeyyy! Can I just unpack tomorrow". "Sure we can babe" he pecked me on the cheek. Jakes room was a slate grey, with black and silver furniture. A navy blue bedspread was the biggest pop of color. Even the chandelier on the ceiling was black. "The beds a king so we should have enough room" he said as he saw me looking around his room. "I can't believe this is happening" I smiled at him. "Me neither, this has been the longest yet best 3 and a half months of my life" He sat on the bed. Sitting on the bed next to him, I payed my head on his shoulder: "This is our life now" I whispered. "All ours" Jake whispered back kissing me on the lips.

The kiss became more aggressive and passionate. We kissed for a very long time, suddenly I felt his hand snake down towards my pants. Panicking I pulled away, causing Jake to look up at me worried. "I'm so sorry babe! I was just caught up in the moment. Besides, we can't do that yet. You might get hurt" he pulled away looking embarrassed. Cupping my hand on his face; "It's ok, I'm sorry I'm just not ready yet. You did nothing wrong". "How about we just lay together and enjoy each other's company" Jake asked and got up from the bed. "Sounds like a good idea! But where are you going?" I replied slightly confused. "Oh, I'm just getting my pajamas on" he answered pulling off his shirt.

My breath hitches in the back of my throat. I couldn't help but find myself looking at him and his body. He was perfect. Apparently I was not very good at hiding my gaze because Jake winked and said "Like what you see". Blushing I got up to change into my pajamas. Pulling off my shirt I turned around to ask Jake for a pair of shorts when I found him staring at him. "Like what you see" I teased making him blush. "Whatever, do you need pajamas? All your stuff is still packed up" he asked kindly as I shivered from standing in my boxers for too long. "Yeah, do you have like a pair of shorts I can borrow" I asked blushing because I was standing only in my boxers in front of him. Nodding he pointed towards his dresser: "3rd drawer down. There's Aton of athletic shorts in there, just pick a pair".

After grabbing a pair of shorts I climbed into bed with Jake, cuddling up next to him. "Your hearts beating so fast right now. Reminds me of when your uncle plays drums" Jake chuckled- I could feel it in his chest. Heat rose to my face, he was right. Cuddling up next to my love was making my heart beat speed up by a lot. "Tell me a story, tell me the story on how you became a vampire!" I asked looking into his eyes. His chest rose and fell as he sighed: "Ok, let me try and remember what year it was!". After about 30 seconds of silence he began to talk, "It was July 6th 1930. Your Uncle Ashley called me, Andy and your father over. He was already a vampire at this point, had been for 2 days. None of us had any idea what Ashley was planning. When we got there he told us, but never truly told us. Showing us all the cool stuff but never telling us anything bad that could happen. Partially because he didn't know, he had never even left the house as a vampire. First he bit your father, your father bit Andy and Andy bit me. All of us fell into a deep sleep and when I woke up I had to drink some blood. After that the change was official and there was no going back" he finished still with his arm wrapped around me. "So you forgave Uncle Ashley?" I asked curious as to why.

"That I did. We did so because Your Uncle didn't even realize what he was doing. Besides now we really are friends forever. And how would your dad met your mother or your uncle met your uncle? How would I have met you if your parents had never met. Everything in this world happens for a reason" he finished with a yawn. "That's a beautiful way of looking at things. Goodnight, can't wait to wake up looking at your beautiful face" I smiled pecking Jakes cheek as he turned the bedroom lights off. Pretty soon we were both sound asleep.

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