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Christian POV:
"So you guys are almost 17. Fuck your getting old, growing up straight in front of our eyes. But anywho! Your 17th birthdays won't be like everyone elses. You see... This is gonna sound really weird... We are all... Well... We are all what you know as vampires. Yes, vampires. And 3 of you are also vampires. 2 of you are full bred vampires. You see y-Ash darling please keep questions till the end-. As I was saying! You see the reason you guys never knew was because we figured it would make the first 16 years of your life easier if you didn't know. But the year of your 17th birthday we knew we would have to tell you. Any questions so far?" my uncle Cc said calmly. All three of us exchanged looks and almost died laughing. "Your hilarious guys, real funny" Ash screamed rolling around on the ground laughing. Jake furrowed his brow. Like he was thinking.

Andy made eye contact with him and shook his head, Jake shrugged and grinned. What was he gonna do? Suddenly jakes smile seemed to take on a different look. Almost sinister? Entranced I continued to watch him. A few more seconds later a low inhuman growl filled the room. We all looked at each other confused- who was that? "Jake did you just?" I asked shocked beginning to slightly panic. He nodded and opened his mouth wide and hissed. This time I noticed something, his two incisors were pointy. Pointy like fangs. "Your not joking are you" Ash asked in horror. They all shook their head no.

This time Andy spoke; "The night of your 17th birthday you will fall asleep a human and wake up a vampire. No pain, no blood, just sleep. When you wake up you will all be vampires. Simply drink some animal blood once a week for the rest of eternity and you will be fine". My dad looked up "but Christian and Marcus your different. One of you is carrying a special gene. That special gene is the werewolf gene. We aren't sure who but it will soon become evident. Honestly we thought it was Marcus but yesterday when Christian beat that kid up yesterday we weren't sure. This werewolf gene will give you all the powers of a werewolf and you will still have all the powers of a vampire. Your the only person like you so we aren't totally sure what will happen." he said. He was joking right?

"How... how will we know who has the gene?" my brother asked actually surprising me. My mom spoke; "Well from the research we have done and talking to other werewolves over the Internet you won't change every full moon like the media portrays. Actually you will be able to change at your own will and when you get really mad. What we think will happen is one of these days your going to get really mad at someone and change. This could happen from now up to your 17th birthday". "And you guys are all vampires? That go out and kill people for food? I don't ever want to be like you" Ariel scoffed. Everyone went silent. I could tell she was scared and intimidated right now, but no one else could. Ever since I was born I had been good at reading people and their emotions. Maybe that was related to the whole vampire thing, I would have to ask later.

I felt a pair of eyes on me, looking up I saw that it was Jakes. He looked scared himself, a little confused too. Why the hell would he be scared and confused? Not like he was finding out he was a vampire and possibly a werewolf for the first time right now! "Look it! Your mother and Juliet have never even tasted human blood. And me and the rest of the guys make an effort to only kill major criminals" Ashley replied looking distracted. When they said this I noticed that all of them looked sad and distracted. Like they were remembering a bad memory. Especially my mom and Uncle Cc.

"But wait a second! You said only 3 of us were vampires? There's four of us here? Is one of us normal" Marcus questioned. It was probably me, I thought hopefully. Everyone else acted the same and was popular! I was the only awkward one.

Ashley and Cc went and sat next to Ash. Ash. It must be her. "Sweetie, you know you were adopted? There was a special reason we adopted you" Cc smiled placing a hand on her knee. "I'm guessing it wasn't because you liked my name" she muttered making me and Ariel chuckle. Probably not the best timing. "You were the only supernatural baby there. We didn't know what you were when we got you that day but when we got home Juliet read you and we found out what you were" Ash confessed kissing her head. If I hadn't just found out I was a vampire I would be awing at how cute that was. Looking over at Ariel I saw Jake standing behind her. She hadn't realized it yet. It made me angry for some reason. "Don't touch her" I growled low, like an animal. Everyone in the room whipped their head around to look at me. Raising his hands in defeat- Jake when and sat back down next to Andy. What was he thinking right now?

"Well what am" she asked picking at her nails. "Your part mermaid sweetie" Juliet spoke up. Ash grinned "Sweet! That's so cool!". Lucky.

Suddenly the reality of the whole situation began to catch up with me. It hit me like a wall. Right now I was sitting in my uncles living room surrounded by vampires, which happened to be them. They had the power to kill any one of us at any time. Somehow we were also vampires and possibly a werewolf. My heart rate increased as did my breathing. There was nothing I could do to prevent the panic attack that was about to happen. All the heads in the room turned to me, I'm guessing the vampires could sense my heart rate increasing.

All I could feel was fear, I started to shake. My dad was the first one standing up, then my mom and then Jake and Andy.

"Let me and Andy take him. We can help him more then you can" I vaguely heard someone say. Jake I'm guessing. Next thing I knew I was being picked up by a pair of pale of tattooed arms. I tried to look at the tattoos to see who was picking me up, but none the less they were definitely vampires so that wasn't very comforting. Someone placed their hands on either side of my face and I suddenly felt very tired. Everything faded to black as I felt my heart slow down. They had stopped the panic attack. Just as I was about to fall asleep I heard Jake say "I know who I love Andy.". What could he mean by that?

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