The boy who cried wolf

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Ashley POV:
All of our eyes were transfixed on the giant black wolf standing in front of us. It took up basically the entire kitchen! But who was it? Marcus or Christian? "It's not me" I heard Marcus say, sounding relieved. That means it must be Christian. Honestly, I had felt it would be Christian. Over the past couple of months he had really buffed up and after he beats the shit out of the kid at the mall I had had my suspicions. Looking around I saw that Andy, Jinxx and I were all standing in front of our mates protectively.

Footsteps ran up the stairs, assumably Marcus and Ariel. The room was silent, "my poor Christian" Adri sighed sadly. She was right, this would change a lot for him. Nothing would be easy. "What do we now? How do we help him back into human form?" Juliet asked from behind Andy. "All we can do is wait. Once he calms down he will automatically go back to human form" Jake answered.

Jake seemed different, almost distracted. You could tell he was surprised, probably thought it would be Marcus. "Are you ok Jake?" Andy asked him looking concerned. "Fine" Jake replied, still looking distracted.

Taking the silence as an opportunity to study the wolf I realized how beautiful it truly was. Shiny black hair, perky ears, bright blue eyes, muscular form. You could tell he would be an alpha wolf. "He's beautiful" I thought out loud. Suddenly Christian whipped his wolf head around to face Andy and bared his sharp fangs. Fuck. "He remembered why he's pissed" Jinxx warned Andy. His haunches low to the ground he began creeping towards Andy, like he was hunting. He could hurt Andy.

Without warning Adrienne threw herself in front of Andy, sobbing. "Christian this must be hard for you to understand but I forgave Andy, we all did. He was possessed, if you just calm down we can explain it to you. Promise! Just change back to human form, please. Don't hurt Andy" she begged. The wolf cocked his head, obviously thinking. After a very tense minute or two he slowly walked away and we all relaxed again. Well, as relaxed as you could in this situation.

"What's on his back?" Jinxx asked. Looking closer I saw Jinxx was right- there was a small mark on Christians shoulder blade. "It looks like some name... Could it be his mate" Juliet gasped taking a closer look. "My sons mated? Since when?" Adri looked shocked. "Adri remember, he might not even realize it yet!" I pointed out.

Christian took a sudden interest in Jake. Walking over and slowly nuzzling him, sticking his head out for him to pet. Slowly but surely Jake worked up the courage to pet his head, a low throaty growl came from Christian. He liked it. Like a real wolf.

"God dammit Christian! I just need some time" Jake shouted out of the blue and was gone. Like that, simply disappeared. "What? Why would he need time? It's not like he just turned into a fucking wolf" CC asked looking confused and slightly angry. How could Jake do that? Christian is probably freaking out and he just ran away.

Pain flashed in his deep blue eyes, we all knew what was gonna happen next. "Please don't" *HOWL* Jinxx pled just before his son howled a long Wolfie Howl. "He didn't want Jake to leave" Cc pointed out. Obviously. "Honey; the rest of us are here for you. No matter what. Jake is just surprised. He still loves you like always" Adrienne tried to calm her son down. Blinking his giant pained eyes, I saw tears in them. Stepping forward, I was gonna try and comfort him. Placing a hand on his furry head I tried to calm him. It didn't work in the slightest. "Do you think he wants his mate" Jinxx asked, it would make sense.

"Try and read the name on his back. It will tell us who his mate is" Cc suggested. Juliet slowly crept forwards to the wolf; saying calming things. Laying his head on the floor, Juliet could easily see the name. Andy sighed, shaking his head. "Juliet they couldn't control it". What? Who was it? "How could he just leave him here then?" Juliet looked a combination of mortified. sympathetic and pissed off. "He panicked, he's gonna come back" Andy assured her. Right now I just really wanted to know who the fuck his mate was.

"Who's my sons mate? Why are you talking about them like a 'he'? Why'd they leave him" Jinxx let out a low growl showing he meant business. Andy sighed; "He's gonna be pissed". "Yeah, well he left so he really doesn't have any say right now" Juliet snapped back. "That's not who I'm talking about. I'm talking about Christian is gonna be pissed" Andy shook his head.

"Just tell me who the hell my sons mate is" Adri more like begged this time. "It's.... It's a boy. It's Jake" she trembled as she said the words. What? Their gay? How long had they known?Christian curled up in a ball in the middle of the kitchen, obviously depressed. His eyes shut.

As we watched Christian, the wolf body slowly began to shrink. He was changing back. There he lay, naked and curled up just as the wolf had been laying previously. He was positioned so we couldn't see anything but Adri still went and quickly got him a blanket. He didn't move as tears streamed down his face. No one moved or said a word. "That's right guys, I'm fucking gay! I'm gay and I can't help it! I'm so sorry" he sobbed on the floor. I felt so bad seeing him like this. "Honey we don't care" I whispered knowing he could hear me. "It doesn't matter anymore though, Jake is gone. I just want Jake" he cried even harder. "Jake will be back! He just needed some time to think. This is some prett big news, especially for you and him" Juliet tried comforting him. I couldn't sit here and watch this poor boy keep crying on the floor. I picked him up bridal style and carried him into the living room placing him on the couch.

"I'm gonna fucking kill him" Jinxx growled grabbing his car keys. "Andy, you know they can't control who they mate with" Cc tried to say but Jinxx cut him off. "I'm not mad because they mated, but because he left" Jinxx finished and slammed the door behind him. He was probably going to find Jake. No, most definitely to find Jake.

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