Cuteness Of A Newbie

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Maddi's POV:

My lips still tingled from my first kiss with Kai. I was all giddy inside as I made my way to the kitchen for some ice packs. I walked back to the bathroom, stopping by the hallway closet to grab some wash clothes, and handed Kai the wrapped up ice packs.

"Thanks." I gave him a smile and nod. Everytime I looked at him I couldn't help but think of his lips. I looked down at his soft, plump lips. I zoned out and automatically bit my lip thinking about his lips back on mine. His tongue sliding into my mouth exploring mine while one of his rough hands slide down my back and the other one under my shirt and up to my..

"Maddi?.. Hello?.. Can you hear me?" Kai's voice snapped me out of my trance. Oh god.

"Uh.. yeah I'm sorry. What were you saying?" Moving my eyes back up to his own.

"I asked if you wanted to go on a date with me when we go to Seoul. I can give you a tour and show you all my favorite places, but only if you want. Or you can just stand there and stare at my lips and think nasty thoughts." I blushed and cleared my throat.

"I would love to go walking around Seoul with you and go on a date with you." I hope that we went on more than one date.

"Ok good, because I am hoping to take you to a lot of places. If you don't mind." Of course I didn't! I nodded.

"Come on, lets get you to the couch." I helped him up and lead him to the living room.

"Maddi I am ok, but thanks for your help. I enjoy you by my side."  He took my hand and sat down on the couch pulling me with him. I sat next to him and cuddled into his side. He winced a bit but didn't push me away, instead he pulled me in closer.

I didn't want to leave this spot at all. Being beside Kai was like heaven. I felt his warmth radiating on me, his cologne intoxicating my nose, and his heart beating with the rhythm of mine. I looked at the time, it was 5:00 p.m.

"Chanyeol, can you start dinner for us?" I yelled at wherever he was. I was not sure where he was, but I hoped he was near.

"Already on it." I'm assuming he yelled from the kitchen.

"Thanks!" I looked at the TV. We were watching some Kpop channel, 2PM was on. I tried to pay attention, but the only thing I could think about is my head on Kai's chest.

Kai’s POV:

MBLAQ went home to Seoul that night taking their private jet. D.O. and G.O. could barely separate; they even cried when G.O. had to leave. Those boys were silly. I lay down in my bed thinking of the kiss with Maddi. Sadly it hadn’t been my first one like I wish it would have been. My first kiss was with this girl when I was still in school. It wasn’t that bad, but she kept trying to shove her tongue down my throat. I shivered at the memory. I heard a knock on my door, so I slowly got up and opened it finding a tired Maddi.


Hey Kai, I know it is late, but do you mind if I come in?” I opened the door wider and smiled.

Of course I don’t mind. Are you ok?” She sat down on my bed and shook her head. ”What’s wrong sweetie?” She blushed at the cute nickname.

I just had a bad dream. Is it ok if I sleep in here with you?” It was my turn to blush. She turned to me for comfort. Awh!

Well of course hun.” I laid down and pulled her with me nuzzling her. She cuddled into my neck and closed her eyes. She was so beautiful and she smelled amazing. I wanted to lean in and kiss her lips again, but I held myself back and just kissed her cheek. She blushed again.

Goodnight Kai.

Goodnight Maddi.” Maddi was so comfortable that I drifted off to dreamland within seconds.


I woke up to a banging on my door.

Kai! Maddi’s gone! Get up and help us think of where to look for her! Kai!!” I groaned and got out of bed. I heard the person that had been lying next to me groan and get up too. I walked over to the door and opened it.

Suho, please calm down.” I said sleepily.

Kai. I think Maddi left because of her jerk of an ex. What was his name? Oh who cares. Help us find h... oh...” Suho blushed looking behind me. “So sorry to wake you guys up. I’m going to make breakfast, and then we will leave for Seoul so get ready please.” He laughed and walked away. I turned back to a tired looking Maddi. She looked adorable with her messy hair and drowsy eyes. I went over and hugged her.

Good morning Maddi.” I nuzzled my face into her neck causing her to giggle.

Morning Kai.” She wrapped her arms around my neck and brushed my hair.

Come on, we need to get ready to leave for your new home and our new life.” I slowly pulled away and walked to my closet.

Kai, I have a bit of a confession. I didn’t have a bad dream last night. I just wanted to cuddle with you. I love cuddling with people.” I turned to look at a very flustered and cute Maddi. She looked like a little girl who was telling her mother she lied to her and was afraid to get in trouble. I laughed at her kid side.

I love cuddling with people too. I’m glad you came in anyways.” She smiled and walked over to me kissing me on the cheek then walked out the door, but not before she slightly turned back to me and gave me a wink. God I loved this girl.

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