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~5 Years Later~

Maddi’s POV:

Umma!! Umma!” I heard his voice yell from down the hall as his feet pounded against the floor as he ran towards me.

Yes Sammie?” I turned around and faced him.

Come see what appa taught me!” He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the dance studio. I opened the door and followed him to where all of Exo-K was.

Hey guys.” I smiled.

Aren’t you supposed to be making us something to eat?” Chanyeol retorted.

Yah!” Kai hit him in the back of the head. “Don’t speak to my wife like that!

It’s fine Kai. I can handle myself.” I proceeded to hit Chanyeol on the back of the head. “Yah! Don’t talk to me like that! Or you won’t get anything to eat.” I stuck my tongue out at him.

Mehrong!” Sam giggled.

Hey kid. Whatya doing here?” Suho asked.

Showing umma what appa taught me.” He said in a “duh” tone. I laughed at him.

Are you ready then?” Kai asked. He nodded and stood next to his father. “Hit the play button.” Kai yelled over to Sehun, who nodded and hit play on the stereo. The song “Wolf” by Exo started playing. Kai started crawling on the floor and Sam followed his every move.

Oh my goodness. What are you teaching my son?!” I laughed. The others joined in on the laughing, especially when Sam growled like a wolf. When the music stopped, I walked over and picked Sam up. “Why couldn’t you have taught him “Mama’s” or “History’s” dance?” I laughed.

What’s wrong with “Wolf’s” dance?” Kai asked.

Nothing, but now he will be crawling and growling everywhere.” I laughed.

I am a wolf umma.” Sam growled.

No, you are my cub. Now time to eat, bathe, and go to bed.” I smiled, walking out of the studio.

Food!” Baekhyun cheered, running off past me.


Umma, will you read me a bedtime story?” ­­Sam asked, as he nestled into bed.

I guess so. Which one?” I asked, sitting on his bed.

The one of you and appa!” ­­Sam cheered.

Ok ok; settle down. Once upon a time, there was a dancer and a singer. They were joined together by a contest. A contest that let someone talented joins an all male singing group.” I started off.

You mean Exo-K!” Sam commented.

Yes. The singer entered the contest and ended up winning. When they first met, they didn’t think nothing much but attraction towards one another.

What is attraction umma?” Sam asked.

It means looks. Anyways, one day, the singer got in a fight with the dancer’s past lover. The singer ended up beating the crap out of the other women, but somehow the dancer got hurt in the process.

Oh no! Will he be able to dance again umma?” Sam asked fearfully.

Let’s find out. Now the singer took care of the dancer and made sure he was ok. Once the dancer was ok and was very grateful towards the singer for helping him heal, the dancer fell in love.

The dancer was very nervous about telling the singer that he loved her, but finally he did.” I turned to see Kai walking in with a smile on his face.

Appa! You are just in time for the ending. Finish the story umma.” Sam said excitedly.

Ok. Well when the dancer finally announced his love for the singer, she couldn’t help but be in love with him too. You know what people in love do?” I asked Sammie.

What umma?

They get married and have a beautiful baby boy.” I smiled and kissed the top of his head. Sam giggled and hugged me.

I love you umma. Goodnight.” He went to Kai and hugged him too. “I love you too appa. Goodnight.” He crawled back in bed and hugged his stuffed wolf.

Night Sammie. We love you too.” Kai and I said at the same time. We smiled, got up, turned off the light, and then left the room.

We have the best little boy in the world.” I said.

Indeed we do.” Kai said, taking my hand and walking outside into the moonlight.

Kai?” I asked turning to him.

Yes Maddi?” He turned to face me.

Let’s have another.” I smiled wide.


Hey guys! So I decided to write a future chapter. This is FINALLY the last one. There won’t be ANY more. :D I hope you enjoyed! Exo on the side --->

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