🔞wake up call🔞

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TW: uhhh idk

terzo x fem reader


Nobody's POV

it was 3:15 am and you were very rudely awakened by a call. it was the ringtone you'd set for papa III though so you had to answer it.

"mmm... hello..?"

you mumbled into the phone, very clearly having just woken up.

"you're to be in my quarters at 3:30 am, sharp, not before and not after, got it?"

he seemed like he was trying to sound authoritative sounding but his voice sounded strained, almost forced. you agreed, hung up and dragged yourself out of bed. what on earth could papa emeritus III want with one of his younger brother's ghouls? then it dawned upon you. you'd played this game before with secondo, gotten a similar call and been summoned to his quarters only to be used as some sort of toy all morning. you sighed and put on a nice but simple lingerie set and a sweats and a tee over it.

3:25. shit. you basically sprinted out the door, arriving at terzos quarters at exactly 3:30. you knocked and were greeted by a very disheveled and pissed off looking terzo, who grabbed you by your waist, pulled you to his bed and pinned you to it by your wrists all in one swift motion, leaving you startled and flustered.

"you're going to be a good girl for your papa, sì?"

his voice was gravely and there was a dangerous glint to his eyes, rendering you speechless. you just nodded, wide eyed and excited. a heat pooled between your legs, making you clench your thighs. he smirked a little, one hand pinning both your wrists to the bed while the other trailed down your waist and hips, making its way to your inner thigh. you let out a soft whimper at the feeling and he leaned in.

"Continui a fare quei tuoi bei rumori e potrei ricompensarti~"

you nodded, bucking your hips up for some friction. he pulled your thighs apart and looked you in the eye.

"now, are you going to be good for me and keep your hands right there or do i have to cuff you~?"

"i-i'll be good"

you whispered, keeping your hands where he had them. you let out a soft and quiet moan as he kissed down your clothed chest, stomach and navel, his hands resting on your waist just under your shirt. he slipped two fingers under the waistband of your sweats and pulled them down around your ankles and smirked at your lacy black lingerie panties and he pulled your shirt off teasingly slow, revealing your full matching lingerie set.

you let out a soft whimper as he got on his knees between your thighs. dragged you closer to him so you could feel his hot breath on your inner thighs. he licked his lips, pulling your panties off and licking a long stripe up your dripping slit.

"tesoro~ all this for me~?"

you couldn't even formulate a response before he buried his face in your heat, seemingly unable to decide between tongue fucking you and sucking at your aching clit. you kept your hands where you were supposed to, fighting the urge to bury your hands in his hair as his tongue darted back and forth from your entrance to your clit. he brought you closer and closer to your climax, going faster and faster. he didn't try to rush your orgasm, but rather built it to a crescendo. you were so close, the knot in your stomach tightening and tightening and just before your release he pulled away, making you whine at the lack of friction, clenching your thighs together in a desperate attempt to finish yourself off which created a lewd wet sound of your juices mixed in with his saliva, but the orgasm had already fizzled away, leaving you frustrated and even hornier.

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