plushia hc 😼😼

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•he's literal hellspawn (copia tried to summon a new quintessence ghoul in place of aether and accidentally said the wrong thing and summoned a shape shifting demon who chose to morph into the horrific thing we call plushia. needless to say he had to try again and when he did he got phantom and now plushia and phantom are best friends)

•he sets children and curtains on fire as much as possible

•he's taken the role of being copias son because he wants to wreak havoc as papa (sorry bud not happening)

•phantom and plushia frequently pull pranks using his shape shifting powers

•one time he tried to shake shift into copia to go on stage but copia found out and tied him up with zip ties and a kind of rope that basically gets rid of any demons power (yes i did get that from helluva boss fuck you)

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