🔞turn off the light🔞

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cumulus x rain drabble ♡︎♡︎

cumulus and rain had a good relationship, one of love and trust and setting and following boundaries. they both liked to keep routines, as it kept them happy and comfortable, and the saddest one was sex.

every night the pair would cozy up in bed, tails intertwined and hands touching bare skin. it would be chaste and sweet with sleepy kisses and fingers combing relaxingly through hair, but then lips landed on lips and rain would turn the lamp on, bathing him and his lover in its warm glow. then he'd lift the hem of cumulus's shirt and she'd make him pause.

"turn off the light..."

and rain would turn it off, the flicking of his tail less excited as he was restricted from the sight of his lovers body. still he buried himself deep inside her, letting her feel every vein and ridge inside her. she'd moan his name, her hands on his forearms, keeping his hand anywhere but the subtle stretch marks on her waist and the cellulite on her thighs. the thought of rain knowing about her imperfections scared cumulus but with the lights off it wasn't so scary.

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