🔞guess we can cross that off the bucket list🔞

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part 2 of that one that i wrote on my other acc

copia x transmasc reader




seeing copia on his hands and knees like that... it did things to me. i took a bottle of lube from my drawer and covered two fingers in a semi thin layer before pressing the pad of one finger against his hole, leaning forwards a bit and brushing some hair out of his face from behind.

"is this ok?"

i whispered softly into his ear. the soft whimper he let out as he nodded... fuuuckk... he nodded and i slowly pushed a finger inside him, eliciting a soft and deep groan, one straight from the stomach. my chest fluttered as i drank up every little sound he made. i gently kissed the crook of his neck, every movement pulling soft groans and whimpers from the older man's throat. i pushed another lube-slick finger into him, groaning softly as he clenched around me.

"good boy, papa"

i smirked and slowly began to pump my fingers in and out of him, curling them every so often. every little sound he made spurred me on further, every moan and groan and whimper making me wish i could just flip him over and drill him into my bed, fucking him like there was no tomorrow but i had time for that later. for now i gently scissored my fingers inside him, stretching him and making him moan my name as he gripped the sheets so hard his knuckles turned white.

after a couple minutes i slipped my fingers out of him and got up, walking over to my 8'x8' mirror and hauling it infront of the bed.

"i wanna see those pretty faces you make while i fuck you~"

i smirked, running a hand through his hair and kissing the top of his head before moving back behind him on the bed. i took his hips in my hand and lifted him
to the level of my strap, covering it in lube before teasing his hole with the tip. once again, i drank in every little whimper from his mouth as i pushed into him slowly, inch by inch.

"say silver if you want me to stop"

i growled softly, gently but firmly taking some of his hair into the hand that wasn't on his hip and pulling his head up so i could see every way the muscles in his pretty little face moved, pulling another moan from his throat as he pushed his hips back, taking the whole strap at once.

"oh, desperate are we~?"

i smirked, watching the surprised look on his face morph into pure pleasure. when he began to slightly rock his hips i took that as my queue to start moving. i pulled back just a bit, pulling an inch out of him before slowly pumping back in, pulling out more each time and slowly quickening my pace and heightening the force i used on him. i watched his eyes roll back, i watched the way he bit his lip as he whined and moaned. without warning, i pulled out of him almost all the way and rammed back into him, hitting a good angle judging by the way he cried out in pleasure, a bit of pre spurting out from his slick tip and onto my sheets. i smirked abusing his sweet spot at a steady but rough pace, the sounds he made just spurring me on more.

"fuck, copia you really are a troia~"

i teased, thrusting into him as he babbled out lewd nothings, his eyes always either rolled back or clenched shut. the way he moaned my name, the way he began to push back his lips in rhythm with my thrusts... it turned me on probably more than it should have. i grabbed his hips and flipped him over, throwing one of his legs over my shoulder in one swift motion. i rammed into him roughly, his cries only growing louder and more desperate as i hit his insides from a new angle.

"lucifer, you make the prettiest damn sounds i've heard~ i'd listen to you moan and whimper and groan my name forever if i could"

i growled and smashed my lips into his, continuously fucking him raw and making him moan into my mouth. as he parted his lips i licked into his mouth with vigor, his every move setting me off and making me want to fuck him deeper and deeper, right up to the hilt. his leaking cock stood proud, sandwiched between our stomachs and i smirked, putting my hand infront of his mouth.


i said almost harshly, and once he did i wrapped my wet hand around his length, pumping him up and down a few times and rubbing my thumb over the leaking slit of his tip, practically drooling as i watched my movements cause his cock to kick and twitch every so often. my left hand pumped his dick up and down repeatedly, every so often teasing at his tip.

meanwhile, my right hand made its way from his waist and up the soft expanse of his belly and to his chest, brushing over his nipple with my hand. i watched it peak and harden almost immediately and i smirked as i felt him twitch in my hand. i flicked his other nipple gently with my thumb, getting the same reaction once again. dark lord, the way he whimpered... oh how my stomach fluttered. the way his face tensed then loosened, the way his paint was smudged and ruined, and to think it was all because of me... it just spurred me on more, making my core ache and pulse for him as i rolled and snapped my hips into him. i felt him clench around he and his dick twitched again, all that and the way he tried to get out words all turned me on as i brought him endlessly closer with every bit of stimulation i gave him, soon though, i grinned and pulled out of him, taking my hands off him and everything.


he was almost whining, but i was too turned on by how utterly ruined he was to focus on his words, and it only made it better knowing that i was the one who ruined him. i leaned in close and whispered in his ear.

"did you want to cum~?"

"sì, sì please, y/n, per favore, ti sto implorando"

he whined, looking so utterly needy and pathetic under me. i thought for a moment before taking his jaw in my hands, pressing a sloppy kiss to his lips and smirking.

"you'll have to convince me, ragazzo carino"

i smirked, watching his face scrunch up in frustrations

"i was fucking with you, now i'm going to fuck you"

i grinned, pushing deep into him and hitting at just the right angle, fucking my strap so deep inside him there was a small bulge in his stomach every time i thrusted into him. the sight got me so worked up i was barely thinking anymore, my whole mind on my hips and his body. i gripped his hips and pulled him closer with each thrust, ruining him until he gave in, his cock twitching as he clenched around me once more.

"are you gonna cum for me pretty boy~?"

"mm, sì, sì, please let me cum, please"

i smirked, taking his cock into my hand again and pumping him steadily, the extra stimulation sending him over the edge. white ropes of cum shot out onto his stomach and chest, the mess he made becoming too much to bear. i rammed into him twice more, riding out his orgasm and pressing my lips gently to his.

"let's get you cleaned up, alright?"

i smiled softly and helped him stand on wobbly legs. i helped him to the bathroom, sitting him on the edge of the tub and wetting a hand rag with warm water, gently cleaning off his stomach and chest and sensitized dick. i kissed his forehead gently and began to run a bath.

"can you stay awake for a bit longer while i run you a bath~?"

he didn't respond, seeming completely lost in space. he seemed to finally register your words though and he shook himself out of his tired trance and smiled tiredly and nodded.

"good amore, i'll put bubbles and salts in there for you too, how does that sound~?"


i smiled softly and kissed the top of his head again, pushing his messy hair back and sitting next to him.
i pulled him into my lap and peppered his cheeks with tiny kisses, pulling soft giggles from the sleepy man. the bath filled up and i got in, pulling him in with me. we ended up falling asleep, because when i woke up the water was cool and copia was still deep asleep. i ran some more hot water into the bath to warm it up and fell back asleep.



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