🔞train sex🔞

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you crossed your legs, bouncing the left one that rested on the right knee. it was midnight and you were bored as fuck and still had an hour on the train.


another stop.

you didn't pay much attention to who came on and off, but now you were alone in the train with the man who just entered. he was a handsome man, maybe in his late 40s, early 50s, and he had smooth, raven black hair that was clearly well taken care of.

you took it upon yourself to hike your long skirt up just a bit so it was over your knees, playing it off as if you were just fiddling with the hem. you uncrossed your legs, but much to the strangers dismay, kept them closed.

terzo sighed, it had been a long day and now some hottie on the train had to tease him. he figured he could tease back, but shit, then he'd just end up having to jack off in the shower and pray the water didn't get cold.

the girl across from him was undeniably appealing with her toned legs and shiny skin, her eyes that sparkled with mischief and the way she smelled like expensive cologne was intriguing.

terzo shifted in his seat, crossing his own legs with a grimace. his pants became too tight a while ago. the girls eyes pierced the veil that shrouded his carnal side in shadow, letting enough light in to make his raging hard on a bit difficult to hide.

you decided that the reaction you were getting wasn't enough and you 'accidentally' dropped the pop tab you'd been fiddling with. you smirked as you leaned down to grab it, arching your back just right so the shape of your ass was perfectly visible to him through your flowy skirt.

you managed to cover the amused and lustful smile on your face as you heard the stranger let out a quiet, deep growl. you ran a hand through your hair and looked the man in the eyes, your gaze wandering from the hazel-green eye to the white one and right to his lips, noticing that there was smile lines on one side but not the other. he must have smirked more than he smiled.

the tension was thick between you and you couldn't deny that you had chemistry. eventually you got fed up and just needed him and it was 30 whole minutes till you got off the train so you had time.

you spread your legs just a tiny bit so your skirt hopes up a bit further, your white lace panties making a welcome guest appearance.

terzo grunted, his eyes flicking from the girls piercing eyes to her rounded bust and to the soft meat of her thighs that covered the view he wanted most.

she smiled and adjusted her tank top so the white lace of the bra that matched her panties was just barely visible. she fiddled with her shirts strap, smirking at terzo and eye fucking him in a way nobody had before.

he wanted more than anything to be inside her, bury his seed in her warm wetness, because hell, who was she to tease him like this? he was the ex pope of the satanic ministry, he didn't deserve this teasing..

still, he was decent enough to resort to his hand and whatever kinky ass porn he could find rather than accidentally crossing boundaries with some stranger.

he was pulled out of his train of thoughts when he looked up and the teasing girl was no longer in her seat. suddenly he felt slim fingers tease at his toned but meaty thigh, right next to where he needed her.

"cazzo," terzo winced.

"i need you," you whispered into the man's ear.

"right here? i mean im not against-"

"hush, im into it," your lips brushed against his helix with a lustful tenderness that felt oh so cruel.

as you expected, he smirked widely and ran a hand through his hair. he gently lifted you into his lap by your thighs and one hand went to your hair, the other remaining on your thigh.

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