🖤comfort you never thought youd need🖤

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"oh so it must be that time of month, huh??"

your boyfriend yelled, very clearly pissed off at you. you were scared, he never yelled at you, he barely ever showed you that he was angry at you. of course, being your hotheaded self you yelled back.

"fuck, (name) you're such a self absorbed prick!"

you yelled back, not expecting what came next. he hit you. not with full force, but it left a mark and it hurt. tears pricked your eyes not only from the stinging but because he'd never hit you before. you never thought he would.

his face dropped as he realized what he did and he panicked, a gentle hand, the same one that struck you only a minute earlier. you shrunk away from him with a half hurt half scared expression filling your teary eyes.

"y/n... i- im sorry i didn't mean it- im so sorry"

he slowly approached you and tried to place a hand on your cheek again and you grabbed your cat and stuffed some clothes and toiletries into a bag and stormed out tearily. you called your best friend, sodo, and told him what happened and literally a minute later his car came screeching down the road and he stormed out of the car and tried to storm inside.

"sodo, sodo no i just- i need a ride to the ministry"

you said softly but he saw the bright red handprint on your cheek and hugged you tightly and gave you a gentle kiss on the top of your head.

"he's not getting away with doing shit like this. get in the passenger seat, i'll be out in 5 minutes."

he growled and stormed inside and you obeyed, sitting in the passenger seat with your cat in your lap. you waited and sure enough, your best friend/tiny fire gremlin came out with bruised and bloody knuckles and a black eye.

"are you ok?"

he asked softly and wiped his hand off with a random pair of leggings in the backseat that you didn't care to ask about and held your hand.

"yeah," you sighed softly. "i'm sure he won't be as pissy tomorrow..."

"nonono, i'm gonna stop you right there. you think you're going back?"

he raised an eyebrow at you with squinted and confused eyes.

"well, he's my boyfriend..."

"not anymore. he can't just hit you and get away with it. if he thinks he has that power over you it'll only escalate. you can room with cirrus or aether or me until we can get you your own room, but i'm not letting you go back there"

he said softly and you nodded, gently stroking your cat as you and sodo drove to the ministry. eventually you got your own room and you lived happily ever after the end

sorry i've got like NO motivation 😭😭

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