ghoul/kit hcs

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kits are super tiny and have a full grey skin tone and grey eyes, their skin develops a tint when they're 2-5 and it's bared in their element. same with their eyes.

multi ghouls have slightly iridescent freckles on their shoulders and cheeks

earth ghoul kits are born with dark green hints in their hair, like how a middle aged person has white hairs spreckled around its like that but green

kits don't have fangs until their baby teeth fall out then their canines grow longer and sharper.

kits' horns are tiny and resemble something like the horns on the era V masks but then they slowly grow into full horns based on their element


air: ram(masc)/gazelle(femme) horns- trans ghouls can perform a ritual that switches their body(including horns) to the right gender

water: cone shaped horns that grow out of their temples and are just bone and a thick layer of skin

quintessence: 3 inch long sort of spindly horns that are surprisingly durable for something with the circumference of a drumstick

fire: long horns that taper into really sharp points and have ridges every inch and they curve back a bit

multi: same shape as water but jet the material of goat horns.

earth: same as a kits horns just longer and more curved.


ghoul horns are really sensitive and rubbing them is like rubbing behind a cats ears; if you do the ghoul will start loudly purring and get seriously needy and cuddly.

same with the spades of their tails but uh- they don't get cuddly if ykwim

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