😋lies and fraud😋

186 4 6

no ship it's just sillay

not rly a reader


It was an amazing tour and everyone was expecting something special to happen, for papa to disappear or for some big break in the band, a new member or something like that.

it was the end of the last show of the tour and the encore was over. or was it?

"do you really thing we would leave you with a shitty ending like that?"

papa used his cocky voice he always used on stage which made the crowd scream.


"see, we don't believe in shitty endings here, so who wants to hear a brand new, unreleased song?"


the crowd screamed, people whipping out their phones at the speed of light.

"are you ready?"


"are you sure?"


"alright, let's give it to em!"

needless to say, everyone was confused when 'he is' began to play. but something was off...

"they're thrusting in your gaping ass
and it's filled
to the brim"

the crowd screamed wildly, everyone laughing their asses off or just screaming.

"two big men are making you scream
with the beasts
of their cocks"

needless to say the crowd was crying laughing, everyone's phones out.


sorry it's short i just had the idea and had to 😭

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