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so am i i'm the wrong here bc i genuinely don't know

dad: I won't say I told you so what it happens, but just remember this discussion when Chuck disappears or eats Swiss, okay?

me: ok

dad: This is why I said I need to stop caring, because you're 14 and have absolutely no impulse control or ability to think of the future. I spent your life warning you about my school experience and how it fucked my life up and now you're choosing to do the exact same thing.

And it IS your choice now. You know that

dad: Do you even have a cat carrier?

me: yeah
like a proper carrier not a cardboard one

dad: He WILL run away
Like every other cat that's ever lived there

-the day after-

me: dad, you took my cat. i'm pissed at you and i'm not gonna talk to you.

dad: That's right, because you don't have to, because I'm a babysitter with no say in your life, and if I try to parent you, your mom literally called the cops

me: no my mom called the cops because you stole MY cat

dad: Chuck isn't a possession, he's alive, and needs to be protected

me: fine then, not stole, catnapped

dad: You don't have a safe environment for him

me: what a house that isn't crawling with fleas????

dad: None of the other cats disappeared until they did
The house doesn't have fleas. I use flea medicine on the cats

me: the house still had fleas?? i got bites on my legs constantly

dad: Weird that only you did
me: mhm, weird.
i have a right to be pissed off, you literally took the cat that is mine. i'm his owner and you took him. just because he isn't a possession doesn't mean he isn't my cat. i'm honestly still not entirely sure you didn't just take him because you can't handle losing him then eventually muffin

dad: How did y'all get Chuck and Deniro?

me: we bought them from a homeless lady because she couldn't take care of them

dad: How'd that work out with DeNiro?

me: he was sick and ran away

dad: How old was he?

me: small?? idk

dad: Sounds like he was sick and your mom didn't get him treatment?

me: we had him for like a month before he died and most of that was us trying to get them into the shelter before i got attached and decided to keep him

dad: Did die or did he run away?

me: both probably

dad: but you only know that he ran away
did the vet say he was sick?

me: idk

dad: Did you go to your mom and say you wanted to move back to Mount Shasta?

me: no

me: no
i already told you that
but i still wanted to
listen, i'm really pissed off at you for taking my cat and neither of us have anything to gain by going back and forth like this. i don't want to talk to you because im upset with you and its reasonable for me to be upset with you according to everyone other than you and people on your side of the family. im done talking to you right now.

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