🔞friday the 13th🔞

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"love, how about we watch something to get together, yeah? i can make popcorn, maybe we can even watch a shitty old horror flick?" swiss asked with those pretty doe eyes you could never resist.

"oh how could i say no~," you kissed his cheek and you both settled in on the couch, comfortably snuggled up together in a loving, chaste puddle of affection.

that sweet moment quickly morphed into want, however, when your dearest ghoul rested his head between your thighs, but you stayed quiet and just watched the movie. your desire and need only grew when one of the more... steamy scenes came on.

the girl on the screen moaned and whined as she rode her boyfriend and you became even more painfully aware of swiss's head between your thighs. it was even more arousing when he adjusted his head, looking up at you with a deep smirk.

"you're into this, huh?" he teased, his words going straight to your already wet cunt.


"ah- i'm calling dew, you know he'll smell you anyway," he grinned and dialed up dew.

the second he said 'are you in for a th-' he was cut off and merely seconds later dew tried the door but it was locked.

"lemme in!" the impatient and clearly horny ghoul pounded on the door.

swiss opened it and dews impatient frown instantly morphed into a smirk as he saw it was you he was fucking. well, you and swiss but he honestly couldn't care less. you however, were still bewildered. how the fuck did you go from cuddling with swiss watching a campy horror flick to having him and dew already eye fucking you in what, a minute??

you didn't really care, honestly, after seeing the tents in the ghouls' pants you were pretty much already taking both of them at once. you were soaking wet and ready to pounce when dew got the idea first and hopped on top of you, straddling you to the bed with a carnal look glazing his eyes.

"cmon man, she's my girlfriend i should get to go first," swiss pouted.

"fuck off you invited me," dew waved him off, leaning in to breathe in your scent and lick a long stripe up your neck. "fuck, you taste good," he growled.

"my turn," swiss pretty much tossed dew off of you, using a claw to rip off your shirt and suck happily on one tit, his claws retracted as he used his hand to knead at your otherwise neglected breast. dew was standing to the side of the couch, pumping his needy cock and just watching your facial expressions elicited by swiss. dew ran the backs of his claws over your soft cheek, grinning and spitting into your mouth as you let out a soft groan at the contact.

"swallow," he sneered and you obeyed, swallowing the smokey taste of cinnamon the fire ghoul left in your mouth.

you felt swiss's fully hardened cock son your thigh and decided against being a pillow princess for the night. you shoved swiss off of you, rolled over so you both were on the floor and you pinned his shoulders down, though he quickly overpowered you, switching the positions again.

"pathetic whore," he growled with a smirk and trapped you in a searing kiss before getting off and letting dew have his turn with you.

the needy ghoul lifted you by your waist into a sitting position and slapped his cock on your bottom lip a couple times to get you to take him and you did, sucking at his tip and chuckling softly as you tasted his salty precum on your tongue. soon though, the fire ghoul grew impatient. needy.

"tap my leg if you need me to stop." he growled and grinned lasciviously.

he grabbed onto your hair and forced you forward until the tip of your nose brushed against his thin happy trail. he let out a loud guttural groan and pumped your head, fucking your throat until you gagged a couple times and he let you off. sure, he was kinky but he didn't want you puking all over his cock.

your multi ghoul quickly stepped in, pushing you to your back and crouching between your thighs, giving your previously neglected clit a few soft sucks before promptly shoving his tongue inside you, wiggling and rolling and flattening it in that rhythm you loved oh so much. dew pumped his swollen cock, desperately chasing his nearing high.

"fuck fuck fuck cmon, open up," he groaned and just as you did, your mouth filled with dews warm, sticky cum.

of course, you swallowed all of it, knowing exactly what missing a drop entailed, and you definitely intended to cum tonight. at the taste and feeling, the knot in your stomach began to tighten, tighten and tighten until you couldn't take it anymore. you came all over swiss's face as a white hot heat spread through your core.

"good fucking girl," swiss growled as you whined in overstimulation at the feeling of your multi ghoul lapping up every drop of your slick.

you were pretty much fucked out at that point but the pair had plans for you. swiss lifted you onto the couch, your ass on the edge and your legs spread. you felt dews long, slim fingers toy with your entrance, the feeling making you whimper as you felt your cunt become slick once again.

"what's your safe word?" dew asked, a hint or tenderness seeping into his tone.

"red," you replied softly, though your voice strained at the thought that quickly popped into your head.

"i can take both of you"

"what?" the ghouls asked simultaneously.

"i can take both of you," you repeated.

"uhm. are you... sure? you're like... small," dew said.

"says you," swiss smirked, earning a flick on the ear from dew.

"shut up, here, swiss you like... go like this... and dew you go here," you directed them so dews chest was pressed to your back and swiss's chest was flush to yours.

"swiss, you first then dew you can slide in when i say," you murmured excitedly.

you'd never taken two in one hole before, but all those thoughts and nerves fell away at the feeling of your boyfriends cock slipping into your wetness. you let out a soft moan and felt dew twitch against your leg.

"dew- you- you can slide in now," you said shakily with anticipation.

dew went slow, a soft bit of tenderness clouding his eyes as he wasn't really quite sure about this. he began to slide into you alongside swiss, the two groaning at the excessive tightness. you had to physically hold yourself back from cumming then and there, because what would be the fun in that? you adjusted quickly and pushed yourself up, then down, then up and down and up and down until you couldn't even think about anything but the two ghouls you were sandwiched between.

you somehow managed to clench around the two, so so close to your high. when you looked from swiss to dew and back to swiss, the pair's faces pushed you over the edge. their feathers were contorted in pure pleasure, swiss's lip caught between his teeth and dew fighting the urge to mark you then and there.

you came hard on the two, the added tightness and wetness pushing them both over the edge as well. you were all sated now, collapsed in a puddle of sweat and sex. they both pulled out of you with soft winces swiss's arms wrapped around both you and dew, dews arms wrapped around you and you just lay, sandwiched happily between the two and completely cumdrunk while the credits of the movie you didn't care to miss out on rolled.



also i was gonna name it scream to trick you but scream is one of the rare campy horrors with barely any sex scenes

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