🔞smell the flowers🔞

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Sodo x fem reader

XerriTheRat here's your sodo smut sorry it took a million years 😭


nobody's POV

you wandered through the ministry, looking for your boyfriend, sodo. he wasn't in his room and he wasn't in his office. you figured you'd find him in the garden or the cafe so you headed to the garden first, once again not finding him. you were about to leave when you turned arojnd, only to see mountain standing there, just about to bump into you.

"oh, hey y/n"

he waved and you waved back. just before he passed you got an idea.

"hey, can i borrow some flowers? i need some for sodo, i wanna give him a gift"

of course, mountain said yes and brought you to his best flowers. you picked out a bouquet of red and orange roses and white baby's breath flowers and organized them nicely. you said goodbye to mountain and thanked him before continuing to find sodo. i searched around the ministry, eventually finding him out on the balcony.

your arms snaked around his waist from behind. the flowers sat in your right hand and your left hand rubbed small circles on his stomach with the thumb. he flinched slightly, dropping his cigarette. when he noticed that it was you, he smiled softly and rested his head against yours.

"hey you"

he chuckled softly and put his hand over yours, turning to face you.

"whatcha doin with those flowers sweets~?"

his little crooked smile made your heart pound and you couldn't help but get lost in those pretty eyes of his and just look at him with love. after a few seconds you snapped out of it and kissed him softly.

"they're for you~ i was looking for you and when i got to mountains greenhouse i figured id grab you some flowers~"

you smiled softly and rested my head on his shoulder, closing your eyes gently.



"just a thought, but seeing as how the bouquet is filled with white, you may as well be too~?"

you blushed and your eyes shot open, surprised and flustered. he smirked and his hands ran up and down your waist, eventually moving lower to your hips.

"i- uh- y-yeah"

you took a deep breath and regained your composure, leaning up to kiss him.

"my room or mine~?"

"uhm... mine, i like smelling you on my sheets even when you sleep in your own room"

you smiled softly and kissed the corner of his mouth, absolutely adoring the way he looked at you.

"you're so cute firebug~"

"yeah, i could say the same for you~"

the glint in his eyes said it all. suddenly he scooped you up and carried you bridal style to your room, peppering your cheeks and forehead and nose with sweet, tiny kisses the whole way there. when you got to your room he kicked the door shut with his shoe, his kisses going from chaste and sweet to carnal and lust filled. he licked into your mouth, his sweet side fading away as he kissed down your neck and got down to your chest, his lips blocked away from your skin by the teeshirt you wore.

"arms up"

his voice was huskier now, the voice you never got over. the voice that made your eyes turn to hearts in seconds. you obeyed, lifting your arms and he ripped your shirt over your head in seconds, his lips returning to your collarbone. the second the cold air hit your now naked torso your nippled hardened, sensitizing a bit more now. he continued one with pressing sloppy kisses down to your chest, finally getting to your needy breasts. his tongue swirled around your firm nipple, licking and sucking at it and pressing soft kisses to it, switching back and forth between tits while his hand slipped down under your sweats and underwear. you felt him smirk against your tit as he felt how wet you were, amazed at how easy it was to slip his fingers into your tight hole. his long fingers curled inside you, his mouth still attached to your tit as you squirmed under his touch.

he pumped his fingers in and out of your dripping cunt for a while before the knot in your stomach tightened and tightened, his actions bringing you so close to your release. you whimpered and moaned, trying so hard to get tangible sentences out but completely unable.

"i- shit gonna- ah~ gonna cum~"

you moaned, leaning into his fingers as he curled and scissored them, making you moan in ecstasy. he rode out your high and laid you down, throwing your leg over his shoulder and teasing your slicked up and ready entrance.

"good girl~"

he smirked, pushing deep into you, ramming in all the way to the hilt and making you cry out in both pleasure and pain. without warning he pulled out almost all the way and slammed back into you, starting off a steady rhythm of skin clashing and the headboard tapping against the wall.

"i've been so tired allll day, little y/n~ but yknow what? i think- ngh- fuck- i think this might be worth it"

as he leaned in close to whisper in your ear, his pace never ceasing as he fucked you deep and hard. his voice was husky and often interrupted by little groans or grunts, occasionally the small whimper which is what really got you going. every little moan you let out made him slightly twitch inside you, only making you even wetter around him.

"ah~ fuck~ sodo fuck~ right there, right there~!"

you moaned as he abused your g-spot, his smirk only growing wider as he leaned in and kissed your neck, nipping and biting at your neck leaving purple and red marks in his wake. you whimpered and moaned at the feeling, your arms wrapping around sodos back and pulling him closer.

"now, do you really think you deserve to cum~?"

he grinned against your skin devilishly, his almost-threat catching you off guard.

"sodo please i-"

"don't worry, i'm just fucking with you love~ after all, you did bring me flowers, didn't you? i may as well reward you with a nice orgasm~"

you couldn't even form words as he pumped viciously into you, hitting your g-spot perfectly each time.

"fuck, fuck sodo fuck i'm gonna cum~!"

you cried out, throwing your head back and moaning, clenching around him and pulling him closer by his waist, pressing him even further into you. his hand snaked down your stomach and rubbed viciously at your clit, the added stimulation pushing you over the edge for a second time, this time even better. the way you clenched around him and soaked his cock made him cum as well, your hot juices swirling together inside you, the lewd wet sounds even more loud now with the added wetness. with slow and sloppy thrusts he rode out both your orgasms and kissed you softly.

he brushed a strand of hair out of your face and kissed your forehead as he pulled out of you and kissed your neck once more.

"think you can cum one more time or do you wanna clean up and sleep~?"

"mm, one more time~?"

you asked with puppy dog eyes and he smirked and kissed down your stomach and down to your soaked pussy, licking a long strip over your entrance and clit before diving in and lapping up both your juices, your orgasm coming quick as he licked away. you came for a third time in his mouth and he cleaned you up with his tongue and rode out your orgasm and came back up for another kiss.

"let's go take a shower and go to bed love, ok~?"

sodo said softly and kissed your forehead once again, scooping your sleepy self up into his arms and printing you to the bathroom. he got to running a warm shower and when it was ready, he stepped in and kept you up and washed you, whispering sweet nothings into your ears all the while.

finally you both went to bed, snuggled up in each others arms, the fragrant flowers you got him sitting right on the nightstand, the smell lulling you and your sleepy lover to sleep.



i'm so sorry the endings are always shit but hey at least this one has an ending 😭

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