🔞which kind of cucumbers again?🔞

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soft dom mountain but extra soft


you looked forward to working in the gardens every day.

it was relaxing, sunbathing and relishing in the scents of rosemary and lilacs with your favorite ghoul.

primo was there too, but he preferred making googly eyes at one of the older brothers of sin and tending to his roses over getting dirty anymore.

mountain mostly tended to the gardens, keeping them pretty and making sure the flowers would heal up ok when ghouls, ghoulettes and siblings of sin picked them to give to their mates or lovers. of course the earth ghouls simply grew flowers straight from the palm of their hand to give to their loves.

but oh, poor mountain never had anyone to gift these things to romantically. he had you, but you were *just* a friend. nothing more, right? it wasn't like he thought about you at all hours of the day including when his hand was wrapped around his cock.

the only issue was that he hated the idea of losing you over some stupid infatuation so he kept it all to himself. every time he wished his hand was the warm, wet flesh he craved, he kept it to himself. every time he was in his room, pathetically fucking into a fleshlight, he kept it to himself.

the crush grew into an obsession, ending up in you constantly being in the greenhouse to help mountain when he really didn't seem to need help.

today, it was cold outside so all the plants were in te in the greenhouse and the wood stove warmed the gorgeous ecosystem that mountain had carefully created. the greenhouse had a few branching greenhouses, each one with a few cages for wounded animals.

your jobs for today were to tend to the koi and their pond, water the squash and pumpkins and basically stay around to help mountain with whatever he needed help with. your finished your other tasks, so now you were just kind of sitting on mountains workbench waiting for more.

"hey, can you hand me that bag of fertilizer"

"yeah," you handed it to him, bored that it was just handing him something.

"you bored over there, doll?" he chuckled and you froze, the nickname striking something inside you.

"uhm- yeah"

mountain just looked at you.

"you alright?"

"yeah, just- bored and out of it," you tittered, blushing softly, though that went unnoticed.

"you can borrow my switch, there's a little moss patch over there i like to lay on," he smiled and you nodded, glad that you weren't caught.

you went to lay down, laying on your stomach and kicking your feet as you played mario kart 8 deluxe. your habit didn't leave much to the imagination, especially not in this position and it was *killing* poor mountain.

after a little while, he came up behind you.

"y/n, i need your help"

"hm?" you turned your head to speak, your back just barely arching. it make mountains knees weak.

he swallowed hard, continuing. "can you uhm- help me with harvesting the cucumbers? they seem about ripe"

"oh, sure, but i'm playing my game right now.. 5 minutes?"

mountain was sure he could be done with you in 5 minutes.. he pushed that thought from his mind and nodded. you smiled and thanked him, continuing to play.

he just stood there, transfixed by your ass. it jiggled with every kick of your feet, driving mountwin absolutely insane. unfortunately (or extremely fortunately, in this case), with just a quick peek back you could and did see a tent in the front of his gardening apron.

"which kind of cucumber did you need help with again?"


"im still playing, so just put it in like this, yeah?"

"yeah," he murmured getting to his knees behind you. he hiked up your habit and moved aside your panties, leaning down to lick a stripe up your already wet slit. your breathy moans were all he needed to continue, his tongue working diligently at your clit as he nuzzled his nose into your folds.

"fuck- fuck gonna cum," you whined, almost embarrassingly soon, but most siblings mountain fucked said that he was good.

much to your dismay, he pulled away, licking over his top lip obscenely to clear it of your slick before taking his apron off and unzipping his hands. he slipped his cock from his boxers and lined it up with your entrance, pushing in all at once.

"oh fuuckkk," you whimpered, your back arching up to try and take more of him.

"tell me when i can move," he cooed, leaning forward to kiss at your neck.

"now," you murmured, game forgotten.

he thrusted into you slow and deep at first, gradually gaining speed as the two of you grew closer, though mountain nor you were in the mood for a sloppy, rushed finish. mountains pace was specifically coordinated to bring you to a slow crescendo, one that would drive you both insane.

each thrust was harder than the last until he was punching the air out of your lungs. your eyes were half lidded and your tits we're squished against the moss pad, your hope a foot in the air supported only by mountains hips now grinding against you, his balls pressing against your clit in a pulsing motion which tipped you over the edge, your clench doing the same to him.

in a series of whines and groans, the two of you finally came down, shuddering from the powerful aftershocks.

"fuck, sorry doll, i didn't mean to get so uhm.."


"that one"

"it's fine, i liked it," you smiled and rolled over, beckoning him to lay next to you and cuddle in the moss patch like a couple whimsical ass dorks.

"i love you, y/n," mountain murmured sleepily

"i love you too, mountain," you smiled softly and fell asleep encased in the gentle giants arms.


muahahaha shitty ending 😼😼😼

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