🔞sodomizer gets sodomized🔞

677 14 25

CW// public teasing/slight sex????



it all started with a stupid valentine. sodo wasn't much of a romantic but you, you definitely were. youd come up to him on february 14th a couple years ago and handed him a little card and now the two of you were attached at the hip.

everyone knew you as the romantic, innocent one and sodo as the devilish, kinky one, though little did anyone in the ministry know, with a bit of persuasion, you were down for anything.


so of course, sodo took advantage of that. he decided to be a complete brat all. fucking. day. annoyed you while you made breakfast for him, kept saying he wanted burgers no matter how many times you told him it was eight in the damn morning. then he decided to pull one that really pissed you off. he presented you with a gift, a new pair of black, lacy panties with dusty-gold lace around the hems to match his uniform. you decided to put them on after you showered, which was right before dinner. the group dinner with every ghoul at one table, every papa at the next and the siblings of sin scattered around the cafeteria.

you sat down at the table, holding sodos hand under the table even though he was a total brat all day. he pulled out his phone, which he rarely used, let alone during meals, which confused you. he smirked and you tried to peek but he hid his screen. you were scared for a second that he was cheating but then. oh but then. you felt waves of pleasure run through you as your panties started vibrating. you let out a small squeak and looked to sodo with a pleading look and he turned it off. luckily nobody noticed, but holy fucking shit.

he did it multiple more times, turning it on then off just as you got close. you were sick of his shit, but also needing friction bad. you squeezed onto his hand, half out of frustration and half out of pure need. the 13th time he left you on the edge, you fully decided that you were consulting your shoebox. the shoebox.

you speed walked to the room you and sodo shared, a slight smirk on your face. sodo smirked wider and pulled out his phone to turn the vibrator on again, bit you were numb at this point. you were silent as you walked, all but the sound of your shoes on the ground. as you arrived to the room you and sodo shared, you grabbed his wrist and flung him inside. you pinned him to a wall and growled in his ear, finally realizing why having a short boyfriend was fucking fun.

"what the fuck..?" sodo stammered, not used to this side of you.

"what, think you can tease me allll fucking night then get away with it? oh honey no~ you've got no idea what i have in store for you firebug," you smirked.

you let go of his wrists and went to the top of your closet and grabbed a big shoebox, one from your platforms. you set it down on the nightstand, waiting to open it till you needed to. you grabbed sodos wrist again and practically threw him on the bed. you sat lightly on his stomach, the friction killing you, hurting you so good. you reached into the box and took out a pair of black, fuzzy handcuffs, cuffing him tightly to the bed. you could get cruel in bed, but you weren't cruel enough to give someone red, angry indents on their wrists from normal cuffs. you cuffed his legs too so he could just barely move.

"what the fuck is this y/n??"

"your punishment"

"fuck do you mean by that?"

"stop cursing so much. you know what i mean, you do it to me all the time"

you shrugged, glancing up and smirking at the sight of the very large, evident tent in his pants. you arched your back, leaning down so your chin was on the bed between his thighs. he let out a soft groan as you groped him through his pants, palming at his needy, hard, leaking dick. you unzipped them, even the subtle, short vibration making his thigh twitch.

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