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i've unlocked a new fucked up idea and you guys have to deal w it 🤫🧏

(dw guys it's not the copias shoe one)

CW: knives, severe gore, blood, pretty detailed, death of reader, rain being a murderer 🤫🧏


you decided to settle in and watch all the fucked up videos on your 'repugnant' discord server with your favorite ghoul, rain. you were watching on your bed, you laying on your stomach while he used your ass as a pillow. there were lots of links, videos and images, some of car crashes, crime scenes, people blowing their brains out on camera and getting hit by cars, the usual. you scrolled through the gory pictures, somehow feeling yourself getting turned on by it.

rain could smell you getting turned on, more so than usually from his close proximity to your core. you rolled over and clicked off your phone, turning to rain who was pissy now because he got his pillow taken.

"rain, i'm horny," you murmured, using big doe eyes to 'reason' with him, aka trick him into letting you ride him and milk him dry.

"you were just watching videos of people fucking dying, what??" he asked with a confused look, though it faded into a smirk quickly upon realization. "oh you're into that, aren't you~," he teased and you nodded rapidly.

"cmon, please rain?" you begged and he smiled with a grin and reached into his pocket, pulling something shiny out.


"hush. say you'll let me take you," he said in a husky, very clearly horny voice. you heard a swish and he revealed what he'd pulled from his pocket. a decently sized pocket knife with a shiny, sharp blade. you groaned at the sight and felt your hand creeping down your stomach, slipping into your dolphin shorts.

"you want this?" he asked huskily and you nodded, only for him to re sheathe the pocket knife. "words."

"yes, please rain," you begged and he grinned and flicked the knife back open.

"fuck, you have no idea how long i've waited to use her on you." he growled, running the not sharp side of the blade over your stomach. "she's been begging for me to use her to tease you, to cut your pretty clothes off, to take you for my fucking own," he growled, and he was right. you already were speechless.

he used the blade to cut through your clothes, ripping the ruined fabric off with his claws and tossing it to the side. when he got your shirt and bra off, he pressed the side of the cold blade to your nipple, making ecstasy and pleasure course through you. you squirmed, but not too much knowing that he could cut you on accident.

"pretty little thing like you with a gore kink, huh? who would have thought," he growled sadistically and ran the tip of the blade down your side, making a long, thin cut down your side. blood beaded at the deeper parts, and fear began to course through you. what was he doing? you forgot your safe word. fuck. he cut off your shorts and underwear, pressing the flat side of the blade to your pulsing clit.

"you're such a fucking slut, such a whore for me," he growled.

he came back up and pressed the tip of the blade right under your widened eyes.


"shut the fuck up. i'm gonna fucking take you. sacrifice you, yeah?" he growled, his raging hard on pressing against your leg.

you were quivering and he didn't care. he'd been cracking inside for a long time and he finally snapped. he was at his wits end with everything, his true demon stepping through his ritualistically controlled glamour. he dragged the blade down your cheek, grinning and licking up the tiny beads of blood that gathered. you felt blood from the cut on your stomach drip down to the white sheets but you couldn't move with your arms pinned above your head.

"i bet when i said i was taking you, you thought i meant i was gonna fuck you, didn't you? whore," he spat and shoved the blade deep into the side of your stomach, straddling you in a way where you couldn't move. you screamed, but the ministry walls were soundproofed to not even ghouls could hear other ghouls during the hunters moon. nobody would hear you. nobody would save you.

he kept the blade deep inside you and sliced in a wide 'U', cutting you open. you screamed as your clearly psychotic boyfriend cut you completely open, leaving nothing left to stitch up. you could see your own organs, covered in blood as the red, thick substance spilled out onto the sheets.

he licked up the trail of your intestines, the pain causing you to scream and cry with everyone deaf to what was happening in the dead of night. he made a deep cut between your ribs, ripping your chest open. you screamed louder in agony and fear as you felt your ribs crack.

"still breathing," rain growled and ran the claw of his free hand over both of your exposed, pink lungs.

"still beating," he grinned and ran his claw over your somehow still beating heart. you kicked your legs at the feeling but to no avail. he wouldn't get off and even if he did you'd die anyway.

"hm... not for long," he snarled with a sadistic grin. your blood splattered rains face and he got pissy when your heart was still beating. in a fit of sadistic, hellish rage, he clawed both lungs and carefully took your heart out of your chest so it still beat and cycled fresh blood as he bit into it with a horrifying, gory squelch, shutting you off completely. he grinned and swallowed the chunk of your heart he bit out and licked his lips.

"i want chips with this," he murmured, his full ghoul all the way out, no ritual glamour anywhere in sight. he walked out into the commons with blood clothes and a human heart in his hand, completely unglamoured with no cares anymore. he walked in sat a now horrified swiss and cumulus nonchalantly and grabbed some original ruffled and ate them with each bite of your heart.

as his pack mates stared, he stared back, a cold, truly ghoulish look filling his eyes.


as he spoke, swiss and cumulus ran in a panic to find copia and put an end to whatever the fuck just happened. weeks later, rain was sent back down to hell and replaced with a new water ghoul. nobody would even look at how he'd left your body and there was still a bloodstain on the floor from where he dropped your half-eaten heart on the floor as two of the era III ghouls dragged him away, swiss and cumulus sobbing as they watched.


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