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"he proposed to me!" Ningning announce and show off her engagement ring. Her friends squeel and congratulate her.

Meanwhile Giselle she's just watching them. It's not that she's not happy for her friend. She is. But some part of her is hurt.

She liked Ningning even before they become friends in High School.

3 Years Ago
SM High School

"I feel like her friend likes her." Giselle tells her best friend Karina. "What do you mean?" Karina ask while eating her snacks. "The way she act is just different..." Giselle explain.

Giselle is in 3 months relationship with Somi. But Somi best friend have been acting suspicious. She acts as if she's Somi girlfriend.

"Why don't you ask the bitch best friend?" Karina said. Actually their friend group hates Somi best friend as the girl is always fishing for attention and just cringe.

"Yah Jeno! Come here." Karina calls him. He's the only guy they trust because he's gay. And they're lesbians. "Yup?" Jeno approaches them.

"I have something to ask." Giselle tells him. "Does your know your best friend likes Somi?" Jeno went silent for a second. He doesn't know if he should betray his best friend and tells her secret. "I-" "I'll pay you 20."Giselle said.

"She did told me she likes her. She's planning to confess."
"She said she's not mad at you but-" Jeno was cut off by Karina. "WHO IS SHE TO BE MAD AT THE GIRLFRIEND?!" Karina said. Totally annoyed by what they just heard. Giselle just stay quiet she decides to ask Somi herself. Until Jeno showed them a screenshot of Somi and the Girl chat that the girl send.

AlBert Einstein Reincarnation
Hey Somi. I have something to tell you.

What is it?

AlBert Einstein Reincarnation
I want to date you.

Aren't we already are?

Giselle stopped reading. She's shocked her girlfriend said that. Even back then she acted that way. In the end Giselle just gave up as she noticed the girl really won't stop. And the way Somi act is not helping too.

If they're dating she should've just told the girl that she's in a relationship with Giselle. But no. She didn't even do anything about it.
Giselle have been following Karina around they always pass by 4(A) because Karina Girlfriend Winter is there. They sometimes would talk thru the window because Winter seat is exactly near the window.

Meanwhile Giselle will usually stand beside Karina or she'll look thru the corridor. Until she notice Ningning. The girl is beautiful really. 'Im still with Somi. I shouldn't think about this.'
"Let's choose our secretary!" The teacher announce. They're currently doing their extra curriculum. Giselle and Ningning is in the same extra curriculum and sport.

"Yizhou!" Giselle turns to her. She notice that the girl is very beautiful. All of them smile when they see Ningning. But Giselle heart started to beat faster.

"Our treasurer! Giselle!" Everyone then cheer for Giselle. She's quite famous in school as she's the only council member who is not that strict and always friendly.

"How to spell your name?" One of Ningning friend ask her. Giselle immediately turns to them and tells Ningning.

"Girl! Isn't she's the one who you said you like?" Yunjin ask. Giselle immediately nods while blushing.

"Wow!~ she's very pretty! I ship it." Yunjin said making Giselle blush.

From then on Giselle will follow Karina around they will always pass by 4(A) class just to look at each other crush.
"YOU'RE FRIENDS?!" Giselle said. Yeji nods. She and Yeji have been friends since they were in middle school.

"Introduce her to me!" Giselle said. Yeji knows that the girl likes her other friend so she did.

It started from the science fair. They got even closer there. Then some party at school.

When Giselle find out the girl likes to stay in the library she started to stay there more often. From there Giselle try to shoot her shot and send letters. But Ningning decide not to reject nor accept her. She just pretends as if nothing happens between them. Which hurt Giselle.

But as time pass by Giselle slowly accept it. That she and Ningning wil just be friends. They even become badminton buddies. At this point they're best friends. Ningning even started to trust her more than anyone.

"姊姊 (Jiejie)" Ningning started calling her that when they found out she's older than her. It always melts Giselle heart when Ningning call her that.
"I'm moving to LA." Giselle announce. Ningning who was listening to her immediately turns to her. "Why?" Ningning ask.

"My whole family is moving there." Ningning only stay silent.

"You'll come back here right 姊姊?" Giselle only nods and smile at her.
Giselle is waiting for Ningning and Yeji. She's standing behind them but Ningning didn't realise it.

"Sigh...all my friends is moving away...even Giselle unnie is moving away. Why is my fate like this I will- Hi 姊姊..." Ningning became shy when she realise Giselle was listening to her.

"Ooh!~ were you gossiping about me?" Giselle teases her. Ningning only stay silent feeling shy. Yeji just shake her head looking at her two friends.
"Yej. I don't know what to do...I can't lose my feelings." Giselle groan. Yeji only pats her back. "She's straight Gi." Giselle only sigh. "I hope one day I will meet her again..."

"One day you will meet her. There will be a ring on her finger."

I've been searching for Ningselle FF but I can't find any 😭 so I decided to write it instead. Enjoy!!

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