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"what?" Giselle asks as she turns to her girlfriend. "Yeah. You should pay baby." Somi said.

Giselle stares at her. Chaeyoung has left to go to the toilet. And now they're discussing who should pay for the food. "She doesn't have a job... that's why I brought her. So she can relax her mind." Somi said as she carres Giselle arms.

Giselle stared at her in disbelief. She looks at the table. Her friend literally ordered a steak with some wine and a few more sides. "Baby. If it's you. I'm okay with it since you're my girlfriend. But her? I don't even know who she is." Giselle said.

"Oh baby please. She's my friend. So you basically know her-" Somi said. "Yeah know her basically as your friend. I don't know where she's from. I don't know what her background is." Giselle said.

Somi sighs and holds Giselle's hand tightly. "Please don't embarrass me...I told my friends that you're rich..." Somi looks into her eyes. "Why." Giselle reply.

"So I'm showing you off! My girlfriend is rich. You should be proud." Somi huffs. Giselle rolls her eyes. "so you only show me off because I'm rich?" Giselle said.

When Somi was about to answer Chaeyoung came back. She sits on her chair. "hey." She greets them. Giselle fakes a smile and glares at Somi. "I'll pay for everything don't worry." Giselle said.

Chaeyoung's eyes immediately lit up. She turns to Somi. "You were right she is rich. I thought you were lying." Chaeyoung said.

Somi giggles. "W-What why would you doubt it?" Giselle ask. Suddenly curious. "Well your style is not much. And you're not that pretty. Aren't rich people good looking. You even book a hotel with two shared beds instead of two bedrooms." Chaeyoung said.

Giselle only fakes a smile again and stands up to pay. Somi smirks and turns to Chaeyoung.

"Did it work?" Chaeyoung asks and carres her thighs. Somi nods. "Though she's a bit hard to break open."
Once they're at the hotel. Giselle change into her pyjamas and lay down on the bed. Somi bath first. So it's only her and Chaeyoung.

"Hey uhh I'm not trying to be rude but. Are you really a lawyer?" Chaeyoung ask. Giselle turns to her. "Yes I am."

"Oh it's just you were so stupid back in high school. I didn't think you would...you know." Chaeyoung said. Giselle looks at her. "And some people said you're rich. So...I believe...that you perhaps use your parents money and privilege to enter a university." She continues.

Giselle started to wonder why does this small bitch knows who she is. She don't even remember attending the same high school as her.

"Oh! I'm going out to the convenience store. A bit hungry. Bye." Chaeyoung said and walks out.

Giselle stare at her. Suddenly the bathroom door opens. Somi is now in her pyjamas. She walks towards Giselle and hugs her.

"Tired?" Giselle ask carresing her hair. Somi nods and snuggle closer. Giselle smile and hugs her tightly. Slowly drifting into Dreamland with the girl she love in her arms.
"Quiet down~" Giselle heard a voice. More like a whisper. She turns around eyes still closed.

"Thank god she only turns. Fast I want to cum." Giselle heard it again. Her eyebrows furrowed. She slowly open her eyes. Thanks to the darkness of the room. They wouldn't see her, but the light from the bathroom illuminate them.

Chaeyoung is on top of Somi. Both of them naked. Giselle body froze from the scene infront of her. Her mind went blank. She doesn't know what to do.

"Fast!" Somi moans as Chaeyoung thrusts her finger faster. A tear escaped Giselle eyes. She turns around and cry silently. She couldn't believe the girl she loves is fucking her so called girlfriend where she's just in the same room as them.
The next morning, Giselle wake up and notice that Somi is now next to her. She scoff and stands up packing her things to leave.

While she was packing Somi suddenly wakes up. "Babe? Where are you going?" She ask still half asleep.

"I'm leaving." Giselle said and close her luggage. Somi eyes widen. "W-What do you mean?" She ask.

"You're happy? You're happy fooling me aren't you." Giselle stare at her. "Lower your voice chaeyoung is asleep." Somi scolds her.

Giselle scoff. "Of course she is. She's probably tired from fucking with you last night." Giselle said. Somi eyes widen.

"You thought I was asleep aren't you." Giselle said. "Baby I can explain-"

"No that's enough Somi! I thought you were a sweet kind girl but turns out I was wrong! It's over. We're over. I'm tired playing your shits." Giselle said and walks out of the hotel.

She books a cab to the airport. Once she arrives there she approach the counter and ask for the first flight.

"But it's quite expensive-" the steward said. "Do I look broke to you." Giselle said. She immediately pulls out her black card. The guy immediately apologised and print the ticket for her.
When Giselle arrives she expects a welcome from Ningning. She smile a little and unlocks her door.

Once she's inside. Instead of cheerful greetings. She was greeting by silence.

She looks around confused. "Where's the baby toys.." she ask herself.

"Ning?" She calls her. But no response only the echoes of her voice. "Ning Yizhou?'

"Shit where is she " Giselle dials her number. But instead just on the second beep the call got rejected.

Giselle sits on the couch. Wondering where did Ningning go.

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