14 (TW)

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"I'm sorry ma'am but I don't think they're around anymore..." The guard said as he enters the car. Giselle sigh and turns to the baby.

"Where is your mommy..." She carres his head. The baby only looks at her wide eyes. "Call Rob. Tell him to prepare the Heli. We're not stopping until we found her." Giselle said.

The guard immediately contacts the person who Giselle told him to. And by that the search have finally started. Even the police started to get involved.

"We're been searching for this guy for awhile now. He's one of the guys who buy the illegal substances." The police explains. Giselle nods and look around.
Meanwhile Alex have brought Ningning in an abandoned house nearby. "shit! They even have the helicopter and everything! How rich is your girlfriend." Alex said.

Ningning stare at him. "I thought you changed..." Alex turns to her and smirk. "Ning. Who do you think you are for me to change? You're nothing but just my toy." Alex walk closer to her while unbuckling his belt.

"Did you know. That baby you thought was mine. It was not even mine." Alex said and lower his pants. Ningning was shocked by his actions. "W-What do you mean?" She ask.

"That night. Your own so called gay best friend paid me 2 Million Won." Alex said and pulls Ningning closer to him. "you're just nothing but a toy Yizhou. You're born to be a slut." Alex smirk and started to rip off Ningning clothes.

"NO! NO! DON'T!" Ningning cries. Alex didn't care and just start to touch her private parts. "I'm not letting you go until I'm satisfied." Alex smile.

"N-NO YOU'RE INSANE! HELP!" Ningning scream. "No one will hear you." Alex said and enters Ningning.
Giselle head immediately turns somewhere. "That voice. It sounds like Ningning." Giselle said. "Are you sure ma'am?" The police said.

"H-HELP! NO! DONT!' Giselle immediately run towards the voice. The polices and her guards immediately follows her. "A-ALEX NO! PLEASE DONT!'" The voice is getting louder and louder.

"IT-IT HURTS! DON'T! PLEASE!" Ningning whimper. Alex didn't stop his thrust and slap Ningning on the face. "Shut up!" Alex scream getting annoyed by Ningning.

But without him knowing, his loud voice makes it even easier for them to detect where they are. As soon as Giselle heard voices from the small abandoned house, she immediately enters it without thinking twice.

The sight of Alex thrusting his private part inside of the hurting Ningning breaks her heart. She immediately walks towards them and kick Alex.

He groan and slump on the floor next to Ningning. "FUCK!' he curse. Just then the police enters the house. "WOOW! THAT'S A SMALL DICK-" one of them said. Alex glares at him but then he realise who they are.

Two of them immediately handcuffs him. While Giselle she goes to Ningning and remove her jacket for Ningning to cover her body.

"Shh it's okay now i-I'm here." Giselle hugs her tightly. Ningning sobs on her chest and hugs her tight. "I'm sorry.." Giselle whisper in her ears. meanwhile Ningning she only tighten her grip on Giselle afraid to let her go.
"She needs to rest for awhile. After what happened. She might be traumatised. So I advice you to keep your eyes on her." The doctor said. Giselle nods and walk towards Ningning ward. As she enters, ningning is already sitting up on the bed while staring outside the window. It's currently night time.

"Ning?" Giselle calls her. But ningning didn't even respond. "Ningning?" She walks closer to her but ningning still didn't bother to answer her. Just as she was about to touch her hand ningning spoke.

"You left me." She said. Giselle looks at her. "Huh?" Giselle ask. Ningning turns to her, her eyes red and watering.
"You told me you'll be here when I woke up but you didn't. You lie to me!" Ningning said.

Giselle was taken aback when her voice became louder. "I was talking to your doctor." Giselle explains and hugs her. Automatically Ningning body soften and leans onto Giselle.

"I'll pay for your bills okay? Then we can go home ' Giselle said. But Ningning hugs her tight. "don't leave me..." Ningning cries. Giselle carres her hair. "Okay I'll tell my bodyguard to do it instead."

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