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Giselle is getting ready to go somewhere. She's dressed well for the occasion. Ningning pass by her room and notice her luggage is there. Ningning decides to ask her.

"Where are you?" Ningning ask. Giselle glance at her. "I'm going on a holiday with Somi." Hearing her name aches Ningning heart.

"F-For how long?" She asks. Giselle smile and walk towards her with her luggage. "May take a while. Just call Jimin or Minjeong if you need anything okay?" Giselle said and walks away.

Ningning stare at her back as she walks away. She's different from the girl that welcomes her in this house. Ningning sigh and walk towards her room.

Her baby is sleeping peacefully. "Seems like it'll be only the two of us..." Ningning said sadly.
When Giselle arrives at the airport. Her heart feels heavy. She feels like something bad will happen. She decides to shrug it off. "It's not good to keep thinking about it when I'm with Somi." Giselle reminds herself.

As she walks towards the waiting area. Giselle eyebrows raises seeing a few more people around Somi. She thought it was only a trip for them. Turns out she's wrong.

"Oh hey babe!" Somi greets her. Giselle smile and walk towards her and kiss her cheek.

"Seriously. Only on the cheeks?" Chaeyoung, Somi friend said. Somi laugh. "We're taking it slow" Somi said.

Giselle only smile at them and bow. "Well more like SHE wants to take it slow." Somi said. This made Giselle looks at her confused on why would she say that.

Chaeyoung only laugh. Giselle smile awkwardly as they checks in. Once they got their ticket Giselle was shocked to find out her girlfriend will be sitting with Chaeyoung instead of her.
Meanwhile Ningning she's currently packing her bag. After knowing that Giselle doesn't feel the same. She decides it's best for her to leave.

"I was so stupid..." Ningning said as she packs her things. She takes all of her clothes including the baby things.

She cleans up the room before leaving. Making sure it looks like it's not even been touched.

Once she's done, she takes her things and carry her son. When she opens the door her ex-husband Alex is already waiting there.

"Let me help you." He smile sweetly and take the things from Ningning. He then holds her hand and leads her towards his car.

Once they're inside, he holds Ningning hand and kiss it. He carres the baby head and smile.

"I'm sorry for not treating you well...this time I will. And my mom won't be involved anymore." He smile sweetly and kisses her head.

Ningning heart softens hearing it and smile. Alex lean closer and kiss her lips. "I miss you." He whispers.

Ningning blushes hearing it. He exactly how she first fell for him. She's glad he changed for the better.

"Let's go home now honey." He smile and drive home.
Arriving at the hotel. Giselle expect they will sleep in a different room. But they shared a room. 3 of them.

The room have 2 queen size beds in it. So one of them may need to sleep alone.

"I'll sleep with Giselle." Somi said. A smile show up on Giselle face. 'I thought she forgot about me.' Giselle sigh in relief.

Chaeyoung nods and began to unpack. "Let me do it." Giselle said and takes Somi luggage. She helps the girl unpack.

"What should we do after this?" Somi ask while sitting on the bed. "we haven't eat. Maybe we should find a restaurant?" Chaeyoung said.

"That's a great idea!" Somi said and smile happily.

Giselle smile seeing her girl happy. She unpack faster and takes her clothes. "I'll bath first." Giselle said.

The two girls nods and she enters the bathroom.

As soon as the door clicks indicating Giselle has locked it. Chaeyoung immediately stand up and push Somi on the bed.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Chaeyoung whisper. Somi nods and wrap her arms around her neck. "Just endure for a bit. Unless we have a free vacation."
"This is his room." Alex said and shows Ningning the room. Ningning mouth widen seeing it. It's exactly how she wants to design it.

"Honey..." Ningning calls him. He wrap his arms around her waist and kiss her cheek. "From now on. I will look after you and our son. I will never be a jerk again. And will treat you like my queen."

He removes his arms and kneel down infront of Ningning. Ningning turns to face him and was shocked to see him holding a box with a ring inside.

"Can you give me a second chance. My Ning Yizhou?"


Sorry for the late and short update. I will try my best to update everyday from now on ☺️

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