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"can you atleast help me?" Ningning remove her heels when she returns home. She just finished a shift from her part time job as a waitress.

The first thing she wants to see when she arrives home is a clean house and food on the table. But instead she was welcome with smokes fogging In the house and tons of cans laying around.

She then sees her mother in law walks in to the living room. "YOU LAZY BITCH! HOW DARE YOU ORDER MY SON AROUND! CAN'T YOU SEE HE'S TIRED!" her mother in law scream at her.

Ningning expected that her husband will back her up but instead this stupid man just scratch his nose and continues watching the television. "I never liked you. I don't understand why my son marries you. I feel bad for him!" The mother in law glare at Ningning and massage her son shoulders.

Ningning just sigh and heads to her room. She have been sleeping separately from her husband when she was 6 months pregnant. The guy just can't keep his hands off Ningning. She doesn't like it. He knows Ningning is busy studying for med school and all he wants is sex.

Ningning sit on her bed. She just throw her books on the table and holds her head. She's very hungry and exhausted.

Until someone called her. "Yah let's have dinner together. I'll pick you up." Minjeong immediately hangs up without waiting for what the girl will respond. She knows what type of guy Ningning husband is.

"Who is it!" Ningning husband groan in frustration when he hears the doorbell. For the first time today he stand up and opens the door. He was shocked when he sees Jimin. "Where's Ningning." Jimin said. Suddenly Ningning pop up behind him. Wearing her maternity clothes.

"Come on." Jimin said. "Bring me-" he got cut off by Jimin when he was about to request something from her. "Go work if you want something. Not sitting around scratching your balls." Jimin immediately walks towards her car with Ningning.

Inside Minjeong who is currently chatting with someone. "Hey Ning!" Minjeong greet her. Jimin then sit on the driver seat.

"Why can you just divorce him." Jimin said totally annoyed with that guy. Minjeong can sense her wife is annoyed so she place Jimin hand on her baby bump. Making the taller girl soften remembering to drive safe.

Ningning rolls her eyes looking at the couple. "I can't. I have nowhere to go." Ningning said. Minjeong sigh. "Ningning. Your parents already abuse you enough. And that guy? He just made things worst. Especially his mom. Makes me wanna choke them both.

Ningning only stay silent. What her friend said is true. Even her parents doesn't like her. They sometimes abuse her. Even her husband and mother in law often does it.

There's that one time Ningning came home late because she doesn't want to go home and face those two bitch. When suddenly her mother in law saw her the next day she immediately pulls Ningning hair and push her head inside one of the bucket. "You're cheating on my son! That's why you're home late! That baby isn't even his!"

Ningning almost died that time and she was only 3 months pregnant. Her husband didn't care. He doesn't even care that Ningning have a weak heart. He sometimes have sex with her until she can't breathe properly. But he doesn't care as long as his needs is fulfilled.

Ningning once went back to her parents house to run away from the evil son and mother at her house. But her father just throw her clothes away and kick her out of the house.

They never wanted Ningning to marry that guy. But she told them that she's sure he loves her. Now she received those karmas.
"We're here." Ningning looks outside and realised she's in a parking lot. The parking lot is filled with fancy cars. "Yah I thought we're having dinner." Ningning said.

"Yeah at Giselle's house." Minjeong said while holding Jimin hand trying to get out of the car. When Jimin finished helping her she runs towards Ningning side and helps her too.

"Minjeong is lucky to have you." Ningning said to her. Jimin only smile and walks behind the two. They walk towards the elevator and Jimin press on the top floor button. "Giselle is rich rich now."

"Yeah she became a lawyer." Jimin said. "Her dream comes true." Ningning said. Minjeong only looks at her friend sadly. She almost dated Giselle back then. But her brain is not working properly so she choose the guy instead.

"Hey guys! Welcome!" They were greeted by Giselle when they enter. Her house is very modern and cozy. Giselle really achieved all of her dreams.

"Hello beautiful mamas." Giselle carres both Minjeong and Ningning tummy. Jimin only laugh looking at her.

"Wow you really achieved everything you dream of." Ningning said as they walk towards the dining hall.

"I got everything I dream of except the girl of my dream."

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