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Ningning is sleeping peacefully in her room when the door opens revealing Giselle who is holding a tray with some food on it.

"Ning." She calls her softly as she approaches the sleeping girl. "Ningning let's eat." She calls her again, placing the tray on the bedside table and sitting on the edge of the bed. Next to Ningning.

"Ning Yizhou~ let's eat." She repeats while carresing Ningning hair. Ningning opens her eyes and the first thing she sees is Giselle smiling at her. She sits up and looks around. "What time is it?" Ningning ask.

"2 Pm.' Giselle reply. "Come let's eat." Ningning nods and move closer to Giselle. Giselle blows into the soup before she feeds Ningning.

" I can eat by myself..." Ningning said. Giselle smile. "I know but I want to do it for you." Ningning watch as Giselle keeps blowing on the soup while stirring it.

"Won't your girlfriend gets mad." Ningning said. This instantly made Giselle stop what she's doing. "We...we broke up." Giselle said.

"Why" ningning ask. "She's cheating on me.' Giselle smile and feeds her. "There. You have to finish this so that you can take your medicine."

"I'm not a child." Ningning said. Giselle laugh. "Cute." Ningning blush hearing what Giselle said.
"This hurts?" Giselle ask. Ningning shake her head. "Ning- you said you're hurt. But you didn't tell me specifically where. How am I supposed to help." Giselle said. Ningning blushed. "Just forget it unnie." Giselle sigh and leans closer to her. "I'm sorry...is it here?" She keeps on searching for the spot that Ningning got hurt on.

"Should we go to the doctors?" Giselle ask.  Frustrated that every spot she press on doesn't hurt, but ningning keeps saying she's uncomfortable and something hurt.

"I don't know..." ningning whisper. Giselle stare at her. Ningning looks back at her and they both slowly leans in.

"UWAAAHH!!!!" the baby suddenly started crying. Giselle immediately stands up and carry him.

"He's probably hungry." Giselle said. Ningning turns to her, she immediately walks towards her and handing the baby to her.

"Ooh- he's hungry." Giselle smile seeing the baby immediately calm down in his mom arms. "Ning." Giselle calls her.

Ningning hums and looks at her. "Did...you regret leaving med school?" Giselle ask. Ningning turns to her. She smile sadly. "Even if I did. I can't do anything. And I can't say that I regret it. If I didnt leave. I wouldn't have my tiny Gio." Ningning carres her son back.

Giselle chuckle. "You seriously named hj. giovanni." Ningning turns to her. "Yes, why?"

Giselle keeps laughing. "Nothing just funny." She reply but her lips still smiling widely. Giselle finally calm down and looks at Ningning. "If you want to continue. I will help you." She takes Ningning hand. She carres the back of her hand. "I know how much you dream of becoming a doctor. Don't worry about him. I'll take care of him." Giselle said.

Ningning stare at her. "unnie-" "I don't take no Ning." Giselle smile. Ningning started tearing up. Giselle immediately lean closer and cup her cheeks. "hey...don't cry..." She whisper softly.

"Why are you so sweet to me...first you saved me. Then you take care of my son. Now this. I could never pay you back..." Ningning said.

Giselle smile softly. "Ning. let's get married."

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