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"what?" Ningning ask. Giselle just chuckle and welcomes them in. "Chill. It's just a joke. Come. Dinner is ready!"

They then follow Giselle towards her kitchen. The space is quite big. Ningning about to sit down when her phone starts ringing.

"Excuse me." Ningning said and walks away, answering the call. Giselle looks at Jimin. As if asking her why Ningning looks gloomy. "It's complicated Aeri." Jimin said while carresing Minjeong head.

"I went out with my friends." All of them turn to Ningning. "Is that really what you care about? What about me? I'm carrying your child." They can hear Ningning voice breaking.

"Fine. Do whatever you want." Ningning said and ends the call. She then walks towards them sitting down. All of them is  silent.

"What happened?" Minjeong ask while they're all eating. Ningning sigh and looks at her. "He told me. His friend is going thru something and ask him to go out to the club."

"He goes out for that. But when you invited him to go buy some stuffs for the baby he doesn't want to?" Minjeong said rolling her eyes. Jimin massage her wife shoulders.

"Why don't you divorce that mama's boy?" Minjeong said. "Back then we told you to date Aeri you don't want to because you're straight." Minjeong continue. The atmosphere suddenly became awkward. "If you're straight. And have good taste in men. It's fine. But this girl right here can treat you better but you choose that shit?" Minjeong stare at her friend.

Giselle only rubs her nape while looking away. Ningning started to get embarrassed. "The fact that he used to be your ex is even more disgusting. He's basically your spit. But then you lick your spit again that's why your current life is garbage." Minjeong said obviously pissed.

Back then when Giselle left Ningning reconcile with her now husband. But he keeps giving her the cold shoulders and treat her like shit. When he started having problems he run to Ningning and that's how they ended up getting married.

"Minjeong is right Ning. He don't deserve you. You even drop out of Med School for him. But him? He doesn't even want to work for you." Jimin said. Ningning sigh. "I'm sure he loves me-" before ningning could finish her sentence. Minjeong cut her off.

"If he does he will propose to you. He will held a wedding for you. But no. You guys got married just by going to the marriage registration office." Minjeong exposed her friend. Giselle who heard that was shocked. Ningning used to tell her how much she wants to get married and have a garden theme wedding.

"Just divorce him Ning." Jimin look at her. Her face is very serious. "It's better to leave him...before your child get involved. He can't even do anything. He's jobless." Jimin said. What Jimin said is true. There's less than 1% chances he could take the baby away from Ningning.

"You can...live in one of my house." Giselle said. Minjeong and Jimin looks at her. They know Giselle is rich but they didn't expect to offer her a house. "It's the only thing I could give tho.. it's completely free..if you want." Giselle said. Jimin smile at her friend.

She knows Giselle haven't move on from her. She always remembers the word Giselle said before she move away. "She'll be the only girl I will love."

"Thank you but...I need some time to think about it." Ningning said. She's trying to make up her mind. She really loves him. But he's very selfish.

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