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A few weeks later, Giselle started getting busy with her work. Ningning stills sleep in her room. But. Giselle rarely comes home.

"What time is it..." Ningning ask waking up from her nap. She checks her phone and it's already 7 P.M. she looks next to her, her baby is sound asleep.

She looks around. "She haven't come home yet?" Ningning sit up. She then place her baby in the crib and opens the door. She walk downstairs and looks around.

There's no sign of Giselle. She sighs and was about to go back upstairs. But then Giselle suddenly opens the front door.

A wide smile is plastered on her face. "O-Oh Ning. I'm sorry I'm late." Giselle said. Ningning stare at her.

Her scent smell different. "Have you eat?"  She ask. Giselle nods. "I had dinner with Somi." Giselle said.

Ningning follows her as she walks upstairs. "Somi?" She ask. Giselle nods. Obviously she knows who Somi is. She's the girl Giselle had a crush on after she moved school. Which is because Ningning keeps on talking about her ex, so Giselle decided it's best to move on.

"Why were you with her?" Ningning ask. She doesn't care if she sounds like a jealous wife. Giselle looks at the baby and turns to Ningning.

"She's my girlfriend."
Ningning Pov

"She's my girlfriend." Those words keep lingering inside my mind. I thought she likes me. Turns out those feelings was long gone.


I was having dinner with her when I decided to ask.

"Since when." I ask. She smile and continue to eat. "6 months now. I've liked her since senior year. I told you this before right?" She said looking at me.

"Right." I said.

"Ning- you're the one who said "'Ooh~ Giselle is secretly in a relationship"' she copies the way I speak.

I keep quiet after that.

End of Flashback

I feel so stupid. I thought what we have is more than friends. Turns out she really only looked at me as what I used to treat her like. A sister.

My tears started to fall. I'm not even a hundred percent sure I'm in love with her. But, why does it hurt so bad?

My heart aches as if someone pulls the veins. I keep sobbing. I decided to sleep back in my own room instead of hers. She's the one who asked me too.

"Um Ning. From now on can you sleep in your own room? I mean I'm not trying to be rude. But Somi will for sure not like it if she found out about us sleeping on the same bed."

I glance at my baby. I thought Giselle is willingly to become the baby other parent. But she's only being caring towards me.

She rejected me without even rejecting me directly. Just like what I did to her.
Giselle PoV

I've been dying to tell Ningning about my relationship. It's started to become weird that I sleep with another girl on my bed while being in a relationship.

I asked Jimin what should I do. She told me it's best to make some space. So I decided to do what she said.

I've been spending a lot of time with my girlfriend. Sometimes I even sleep at her place. Of course I'm worried about the baby and Ningning being alone at home. But Somi is my girlfriend. She is my priority.

When I told Ningning awhile ago. She seems mad and disappointed. I don't want to assume it. I'm sure she's happy for me. She always have been supportive even before. That is one of the reasons why I fell for her. But I realise that is only because she looks at me as a sister.

So I decided to follow what she wants. I treat her like my own sister.

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