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Giselle is currently reading a book in the living room. Gio is inside the crib taking a nap.

Giselle heard footsteps coming towards her. She immediately looks up. Revealing her pouting wife. "Why did you look up? I was supposed to surprise you." Ningning pouts and sit next to her.

Giselle smile and place the book on the coffee table. She then hugs Ningning waist. "Sorry baby. It's a habit." Giselle carres her waist. Ningning cross her arms, still pouting. She then looks towards Giselle who is smiling at her.

"Hmm..forget about it. I want to talk to you about something." Ningning holds her arms. Giselle kiss her cheek. "Hm?"

"I want to continue med school." Ningning said. Ningning focus on Giselle face trying to guess what her reaction will be. Giselle smile softly at her and tucks her hair. "Of course baby everything you want-"

"But...I don't have the money to pay for the fees." Ningning said biting her lower lip out of nervousness. Giselle chuckle and pulls her closer. "Baby. I have a lot of money that I don't even know what I should do with it. I can pay for it. Besides I told you I will do everything for you."Giselle said while carresing her arms. Ningning smile and leans her head on the latter shoulder.

"I love you."

"I love you more."
"So she agrees?" Minjeong ask as puts down her drink. Ningning nods. "She said she'll even pay for the fee." Minjeong nods and smile at her friend.

"But you need to manage your time well from now on Ningie." Minjeong advice her. Ningning nods. "I know...I need to focus on Gio. Then my responsibility as her wife..." Ningning said staring at the floor.

"Then we're planning to have our own child-" Ningning stops when Minjeong suddenly cough.

"What? Already? I think you should wait until Gio is atleast 1 or 2. He's not even 9 months yet." Minjeong said. Ningning nods. "I know but...I don't know yet. We're still planning." Ningning sips her drink.

Minjeong nods and look outside the window. "By the way. Your phone didn't even ring once. Usually when we go out like this your phone will receive notifications every minute." Ningning said.

Minjeong smile at her. "I-Its kinda hard for me to say for now..." Ningning puts down her drink and looks at her friend. "Did something happened?" She ask.

Minjeong sighs and looks outside again. "I don't know Ning... she's rarely home. It's...I feel like we're losing the spark." Minjeong said. Ningning looks at her friend in sympathy. "Have you try visiting her office?" Ningning ask.

Minjeong stays silent. "she told me to not go there." Ningning eyes widen hearing this. "Why not?! You're her wife."

"I don't know..." Ningning thinks for a moment before replying. "I'll ask Giselle she probably knows something."
Giselle walks out of the bathroom and notice her wife sitting on their bed staring at the wall. Giselle glance towards the crib. 'Gio is asleep.'

She then gets into the bed and hugs Ningning waist. But the latter didn't even budge or move. "Penny for your thoughts" Giselle whisper as she leans her chin on Ningning shoulder.

Ningning smile and pecks her lips before looking back at the wall. "just that...what happened to Jimin unnie?" She ask.

Giselle looks at her and hugs her waist tighter. "Why? What's wrong with her?" Ningning turns to her. "minjeong said she's rarely home."

An 'O' escaped Giselle lips. She then lay on the bed and open her arms. "Her new boss is just...I don't know how to say. Keeps bossing Jimin around. Sometimes I feel like she's a slave instead of what she's supposed to do." Giselle said. Ningning hugs her as Giselle carres her hair.

"Ah...but why didn't she tell Minjeong?" Ningning ask looking up at her wife. "Well... Minjeong is currently pregnant. I'm sure she doesn't want to stress her wife." Giselle said. Ningning nods and hugs her tighter. "Yes but still Minjeong unnie and their son needs her."

Giselle smile and rubs Ningning's back. "Just give Jimin some time. I'm sure she'll know what she's doing. Let's sleep we need to go to SNU tomorrow."

Ningning nods and kiss Giselle cheeks. "Goodnight baby. I love you." 

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