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Ningning open her eyes. Feeling weird oddly weird and comfortable. 'Since when did my bed feels comfortable and these pillows.' she hugs the pillow tighter.

"Mhmm Pillows!" She smile to herself. She was about to turn around but she feels another pillow behind her. She looks around the room. She then notice a phone on the other side nightstand and some clothes on the chair near the window. Ningning get up and takes the towel. Getting ready for the day.

She smile when she notice the shampoo and soap have changed. Last night it was goat milk. Today it's strawberry. Her favourite scent.

When she finished she dressed up and tie her hair in a low ponytail. She then opens the curtains but it won't open so she give up and sit on the bed.

"Morning." Giselle enters and smile. Ningning smile at her and watched as Giselle walk closer towards her.

"Good morning to this baby too." Giselle crouch down and kiss Ningning tummy. If you're an outsider and didn't know Ningning and Giselle you probably would thought they're a married couple.

"Let's have breakfast." Giselle stand up and takes her phone. She then lift up a hidden compartment on the nightstand. She then press a button making the curtains automatically open.

Ningning only watch in shocked. How rich is Giselle?
"Oh you're earlier than I thought" Giselle and Ningning was about to have their breakfast when 2 police with Jimin and Minjeong arrive.

She then invite them to sit on the couch. "Ningning haven't eat. Is it okay if she eat first?" Giselle ask. They then nod.

Minjeong standup and accompany Ningning. "Here's your vitamins. And a glass of water." Giselle place them next to Ningning plate. Ningning smile and Giselle walk towards Jimin.

"What is that. Did you fall for her?" Minjeong teases. "She called me baby last night." Ningning said while looking at Giselle.

Minjeong gasp and hit her shoulder. "You're falling~"
After Ningning finish eating they then started the interrogation. Ningning tells them every detail. Giselle, Minjeong and Jimin only listen. She even shows the bruises from the hits he gave her.

The police nods and write everything down. "We can release an arrest warrant. But you better start finding a lawyer- oh wait Giselle can represent you in court." Giselle only smile and nods. Ningning turns to her but immediately looks away. She doesn't know why her heart is beating faster.

They then talk a bit more before the police left. soon after Jimin and Minjeong left too.

"Ning?" Giselle calls her. Ningning is currently standing near the huge window in the living room. Ningning turns around shocked to see Giselle holding a paper bag with Samsung logo on it.

"Here. I notice you don't have a phone with you. You probably left it at home. There's already a phone number in it. The settings is already fixed to. You can control everything In the house." Giselle explains. Ningning stayed silent. She's about to cry.

But Giselle suddenly holds her hand and lead her towards her room. There's a lot of branded stuffs paper bags on the floor.  "From now on. I'll take care of you." Giselle smile. She didn't put any hope in it. She only thinks that she should treat Ningning like her own little sister.

"Thank you. I'm really thankful." Ningning hugs her. Giselle only smile and pats her back.

"Let's go out later." Giselle said. Ningning pulls back from the hug and looks at her. "We need to buy some stuffs for this baby." Giselle said carresing her tummy. Ningning smile and nods.

Words couldn't explain how thankful she is towards Giselle. But Giselle only do it because she cares towards her as sister. Not wanting to put hope anymore. Little does she knows Ningning is slowly falling.

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