20 [M]

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"ahh!" Giselle groan as she sits up. She then stretch making one of her back bones crack. Ningning who was already awake watches her while smiling.

"Morning honey." Ningning said. Giselle smile and turns to her. She then leans down and kisses her wife lips but then she moves to Ningning naked chest and kisses the marks the left last night.

"Did you had a good sleep?" Ningning ask carresing her head. Giselle who was busy licking her nipples went on top of her while spreading Ningning legs. Giselle pout.

Ningning watches her when Giselle opens her legs, she immediately holds onto her shoulders. "I did but then you move away...I was enjoying your boobs in my mouth you know."

Giselle said as she slowly enters her wife wet core. "A-Ahh!' Ningning groan. Giselle smirk and starts thrusting inside of her.

She watches as Ningning eyebrows furrowed due to the pleasure,and the way her back arch. Making Giselle even harder.

The sight makes the lust overtake her and thrust even deeper and faster inside her wife. "I'm gonna put a baby inside of you." Giselle groans. Ningning opens her eyes and bit her lower lip. Pulling Giselle closer to her. She then connect their lips. Making both of them moan Into the kiss.

When Giselle hits her spot, Ningning shivers as her cum covers her wife dick. But that didn't stop the older girl. She holds Ningning jaw and thrust even faster.

"Fuck yes choke my dick baby." Giselle said as she watches Ningning expression. Her eyes is half open and her drool is on the side of her lips. "Daddy! I'm clos-" before Ningning could finish, she got her second release at the same time Giselle pours every bit of her cum inside of her wife.

"That better get you pregnant." Giselle slap Ningning ass making it bounce. "Mmm!' Ningning suddenly sobs shocking Giselle. Giselle immediately hugs her. "Baby-'

Before Giselle could say anything further Ningning suddenly cums again. This confused Giselle. But then she realise her dick is poking her wife spot.

"Rest baby.' Giselle said while carresing her head. Ningning nods and hugs her tightly slowly closing her eyes.

Giselle smile as she lay down next to her and hugs her tightly.
"So they went bankrupt. And they want to live here?" Giselle said. Her secretary nods. "They heard about your marriage to their daughter." Giselle sigh and glance towards the baby crib in the middle of the room. Gio is busy playing with his toys, Ningning is still asleep upstairs.

"Where are they now?" Giselle ask. "At...one of the supermarket parking lot." Giselle nods and stand up. Placing her hands inside her pocket. "Update me on that." Her secretary nods and walk away.

Giselle sigh and turns to her son again. Smiling when she notice him already staring at her. She walks towards the crib and carries him.

"Are you hungry?" She ask. Gio only stare at her. "Wait I will make your milk first." She said as they walk to the baby bar.

Giselle made it special for Gio and their future kids so it's easier for her wife to make their babies milk whenever they're hungry.

"Mommy is asleep. So you have to drink this okay? Later if mommy is awake then you can drink her milk." Giselle smile and feeds him. Gio only stare at her while drinking.

Giselle smile and eyes is full of adoration and love towards the baby. She holds onto him so dearly as if it's her own.

Ningning who have been watching them for the past 10 minutes smile seeing the sight infront of her. She then walk towards them and hug Giselle from behind.

Giselle smile at her and kiss her lips before focusing back on to their son.

"Thank you." Ningning whisper as Gio is slowly closing his eyes. "For?"

"For loving him eventhough he's not your son." Ningning said.

Giselle smile. "I promise I will love you and our kids until the end of our lives." Ningning smile and leans in kissing Giselle on the lips.

Throughout the day, the little family enjoys their day in each other arms.

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