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"I now pronounce you Wife and wife."

Giselle smile and turns to Ningning. She then wrap her arms around her waist and slowly leans it.

Their lips touch as Jimin and Minjeong started cheering. They decide to just register their wedding without any ceremony. So the guest is only Jimin, Minjeong, Aeri parents and Jiminjeong baby.

Giselle smile as she interwine her hand with Ningning. She kisses the younger girl knuckles and smile. "You're my wife now."

Ningning smile. "I'm yours. All yours." Ningning said and leans in kissing her again. They both smile into the kiss.
1 Week after their marriage the couple was planning to go on a honeymoon with their baby. But while Aeri is packing their things she suddenly received a call from Japan.

"I'll be right there as soon as I can." Giselle said. She stands up and look Ningning who is playing with Gio.

Ningning notice her. "Baby? What happened?" She ask. Giselle stares at her until her tears streams down her cheek shocking Ningning who immediately stand up and hug her.

"Someone killed my dad."

Giselle is not even close with her father. Their relationship seems like they were just business partners who accidentally became a family. Yes accidentally.

Tho he cares for her and gets her everything she wants. They just don't have that father daughter bond. As her father is known for being a pervert and cheats on her mom.

"Baby..." Ningning calls her comforting her. Giselle sobs on her chest. "I don't even know why I'm crying... we're not even that close." Giselle sobs as Ningning carres her hair.

"But... I'm sad. My heart ache. I don't know why..." Giselle said. Ningning hugs her tight comforting her. Until Ningning phone on the table suddenly light up.

A text has entered. Ningning decides to ignore it. Her wife is her top priority right now.
"Sorry for your lost." The guest said to Giselle and her mother. They only nods and thank them for coming. Just then a loud noise from a certain table starts. A bunch of old Japanese guys laughing while drinking beer.

Giselle roll her eyes. "baby. Why are they so noisy. Can't they see we're mourning?" Ningning ask. Giselle shake her head and carry Gio. "They're the cause why mom suffer a lot thru their marriage." Giselle said as she excuse herself and sits somewhere with her wife and child.

"My dad is an alcoholic. Every chance he got he will go out drinking with those guys. And they always invite him eventhough they know he have little kids at home." Ningning carres Giselle back who is currently staring straight towards her father coffin.

"I remember how shitty he treated mom after she got caught dating her own student. But at the same time he was also cheating with different girls and trying to sleep with mom's own family member." Giselle said. Ningning look towards the coffin.

"B-but everyone respect him." Ningning said. Giselle slowly stand up and walk towards the coffin. Staring right onto her father dead body.

"If mom and those people who he has helped is dying. He would rather chose them than her." Giselle said.

"He's one of the reasons why I despise man."

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