17 [M]

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Giselle is currently reading a book in her room. She's sitting on the couch next to the baby crib. Gio is sleeping peacefully.

Giselle glance at him from time to time. Ningning slowly opens the door to not wake him up when suddenly Giselle stood up and leans down in the crib.

Ningning was shocked by her fast movement. Suddenly Giselle stood up straight and looks at her. "there's an ant. I'll call the maids to clean up the house. This is unsafe what if he got bit-" Giselle yaps.

"Honey. It's fine, it's probably just from the crib or when -" Ningning stops talking when she realise Giselle is staring at her. She looks at her. "what?'

"Did you just calls me honey?" Giselle ask. "I-uh practice just in case ...." Ningning stutters. Giselle smile and approach her. She carres her cheeks and kiss her forehead.

"If you think I'm marrying you because of pity. You're wrong Yizhou. My feelings for you never disappear." Giselle cups Ningning cheeks. Ningning bit her lower lip and look up into Giselle eyes.

"You don't know this. But I swear to everyone before I moved away, you will be the only girl who owns my heart." Giselle smile. Ningning smile and pecks Giselle lips.

It caught Giselle off-guard. "Y-You don't have to I don't want to force you to fall for-" before Giselle could finish, Ningning wraps her arms around Giselle neck and leans closer. "I love you too unnie."

Giselle cheeks turns bright red as she leans down to kiss Ningning. Ningning tilts her head kissing Giselle back.

While they were kissing, Giselle runs her hand across Ningning back. Making the girl moan a bit in the kiss. Giselle pulls back and looks into her eyes. Ningning could feel something burning up inside of her. Suddenly she push Giselle towards the couch.

She immediately lowers her skirt while staring at Giselle. Giselle also immediately pulls down her pants revealing her bulge to Ningning.

"Y-You." Ningning stutters. "Y-yes.. I'm sorry i-" before Giselle could finish, Ningning sit on her lap.

Giselle holds her waist. "Are you sure about this?" She ask. Ningning nods and slowly rubs her covered pussy on Giselle bulge. "It's big..." Ningning moans as she rubs on it. Giselle watch their private parts rubbing together and bit her lip. She then looks up and look into Ningning lustful eyes. Her eyes is now half open due to the pleasure she's feeling. Her mouth opens, low moans coming out of it.

Giselle mouths open as she watch how slutty Ningning looks on top of her. She glance at the baby crib thankfully Gio is still asleep. "We have to be fast baby..Gio.." Giselle whisper. Ningning nods and keeps on rubbing faster and faster.

Ningning throws her head back when the tip accidentally rubs onto her clit. Giselle holds onto her waist tight and rubs faster. "Fuck fuck I'm cumming." Giselle moans. Ningning immediately pulls her into a deep kiss as both of them moans into each other mouth.

After a few rubs, both of them finally cum. Ningning immediately stand up. Giselle was about to lower her underwear when suddenly Gio cries.

Ningning immediately wears a bathrobe and carry her son. Leaving Giselle horny and panting on the couch.

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