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"this looks good. But it's expensive." Ningning said while holding the baby jumpsuit. Giselle smile and takes it from her hand placing it on the basket.

"Just take whatever you want." Giselle smile. Ningning turns to her worried she might use a lot of Giselle money.

"You always do that unnie...even when we were in highschool." Ningning said. Giselle smile and carres her head. "It's fine."

They then walk more around the store. "Do you need this?" Giselle ask holding the breast pump. "Oh I do..." Ningning answer shyly. "This manual one will hurt your hand. But the electric one will hurt your chest." Giselle said. Ningning try to ignore her looking at the baby necessity. Suddenly a staff goes towards Giselle.

"Which one is better? The manual one or the electric?" Giselle ask. "The manual one is cheaper but it will take a lot of energy. The electric one is better and faster. It could pump more milk too but it might hurt." The staff explains.

Giselle then starts thinking again. She really looks like a curious father right now. Some of the ladies there looks at Ningning with Jealousy. Even their husbands can't care for them like how Giselle is.

"I'll think about it later. How about the baby bottles? Which one is better?" Giselle ask. The staff then start explaining them one by one to Giselle. Giselle pay attention as if she's in school.

After buying everything the baby needs the staff then help Giselle place the 2 baskets on the counter. "Isn't this too many?" Ningning ask. Giselle smile and only pull out her black card.

"Thank you!" The staffs thank her and Giselle smile holding the paper bags on her other hand the other one for Ningning to hold.

"We should buy your clothes too." Giselle said and head towards the maternity store. She then ask ningning to choose. But at the same time she feels the fabrics too to make sure Ningning will be comfortable.

"Only one? You're taking more." Giselle said. Ningning have no choice but to choose again. "How about this." Giselle points at the bra. She then shows it to Giselle. The bra is made special for breastfeeding moms.

Ningning couldn't even process anything. The next thing she knows Giselle is walking towards the baby strollers store. "Unnie.." Ningning calls her.

"The things is heavy. It's best if we buy one and place the things here. It's a win win." Giselle smile at her and turns to the staff. "Deliver the car seat, high chair and baby cot to my house."

They nod and thank Giselle for purchasing. After walking for awhile Giselle suddenly stop.

"Sit here." Giselle tells her. Ningning then sit on one of the bench. Giselle told her to wait while she walk towards the food kiosk. After a few minutes she returns with a box of donuts and a waffle with water bottle. She then hands them to Ningning.

"Eat. Then we'll continue shopping." She smile and kneel down Infront of Ningning. She then slowly remove her shoe and massage her feet. Ningning only watch her. She's falling for her even more.

"Does this hurt" Giselle massage her heel. Ningning nods while eating. Giselle smile at her and continue massaging her other feet.

"Done." Ningning said. Giselle smile and help her stand up. She then start pushing the baby stroller while Ningning hook her arm on Giselle arm.

"Come." Giselle said and walks towards the baby toys store. "The store we went to have toys too unnie." Ningning tells her. "There's none for newborns." Giselle said and told Ningning to choose.
"That's a lot of shopping!" Ningning mom said when she notice the baby stroller is only full with shopping bags. They actually decide to meet up with Ningning parents at the mall too. So now they're having dinner together.

"She insisted." Giselle bows to her parents. Ningning parents smile at each other and welcomes Giselle.

"What do you do?" Ningning dad ask. Giselle swallow her food before answering. "I'm a lawyer sir. But I have my own company too." Giselle smile. Ningning parents eyes widen.

"What company?" Ningning mom ask. "Clothing. I also own a few cafe's in Seoul."

They then started chatting getting to know each other. And Ningning parents admit they never liked Ningning husband. But also apologies for the things they done towards her.
"Ning?" Giselle peeks inside her room. she notice Ningning is already asleep so she just walk towards her and kiss her on the head. She then walks back to her room.

Giselle is busy doing her work when Ningning suddenly enters her room with a knock. "Yes?" Giselle ask.

"I want to sleep with you." Giselle then smile removing her glasses and turning off her laptop. She then walks towards her bed patting the space next to her. She then ask Ningning to lay down.

She place a pillow behind Ningning and a softer pillow under her tummy. "Comfy?" Giselle ask. Ningning nods. Giselle then fix Ningning hair and pat her to sleep.

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