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Giselle stare at the letter she just received. She's currently in her boss office. Her boss called her in to discuss something important.

"I'm sorry Uchinaga. But your performance is straight up bad. Disappointing." Her boss said. Giselle nods and listen to her.

"This is not you Aeri. You used to be ambitious you used to enjoy you never not do your work! But now...I don't know what to say." Her boss sigh.

"They said marrying brings the good in you. But it's the opposite for you" her boss said. Giselle only looks down. "Tell me Aeri. What happened at home. What happened to you?"

Giselle pause for a moment before replying. "Everything's fine at home. It's just...my wife starts med school. I'm the one who looks after the house and our son." She explains. "Then? I told you. You can bring your son to work" her boss said.

"I need to do the house works too." Giselle added. "What about your maid?" Her boss ask. "I fired her. I try to cut some budget ever since I...my salary lowers." Giselle said while fidgeting with her hands. Her boss sighs and nods.

"Look I really understand you but the management." Giselle cuts her off. "I was planning to resign actually..." Giselle said and pulls out the resignation letter. "But t the same time they will fire me so..yeah." Giselle smile.

Her boss stare at her for a moment before nodding. "I wish you all the best." She smile sadly. Giselle nods and hugs her.
"I'm home!" Giselle said as she puts down Gio in his crib and place the birthday decorations on the floor. She was expecting ningning to respond but she received none.

"Baby? You home?" Giselle said and knocks on Ningning room door. She slowly opens the door and sigh. "Of course she's not home what did I expect." Giselle slowly close the door.

Just then she received a notification. "I'm going out with my friends. We might be home late. Don't wait up. Love u." The message reads. Giselle smile sadly and press a like on it. She wants to reply but she's too disappointed she's afraid her words might hurt ningning.

She went downstairs and looks at Gio. "Well seems like It's just you and me again today buddy." She carries him. She then looks at the decorations. "Sigh...I was expecting us to decorate the house together."

Gio stare at her and hugs her. Giselle smile and hugs the boy tightly. A tear suddenly rolls down her cheek.
The next day Giselle wake up early to decorate the house. She didn't invite a lot of people only her close friends and family.

She have been decorating the house since 4 in the morning. She sighs and sit on the floor. "Just a few more." Giselle smile. "It's for Gio."

Just then the door opens revealing Ningning. Giselle immediately stands up. "Welcome home honey " Giselle said. Ningning looks around and slowly approach her. "What's all this?" Ningning kisses her cheeks. Giselle arms automatically goes around her waist, pecking her lips. "did you forgot what today is?" Giselle ask.

Ningning turns to her. "oh my god." Ningning said. Giselle slowly removes her hands as she watch Ningning panics.

"OH MY GOD! IT'S GIO FIRST BIRTHDAY!" Ningning covers her mouth in shock. Giselle only nods. "I forgot about it..oh my god. What kind of a mother I am." She said.

Giselle immediately steps closer to her and hugs her. "Hey don't say that...I know..." Giselle hesitate for a bit. "You're working hard to chase your dreams. Me and Gio understand it." Giselle carres her hair. Ningning nods and hugs her tightly.

Giselle smile and kiss her head. "Now mind to explain why you only got home now?" Giselle smile looking at her wife.

Ningning stare at her unable to answer for a moment. "I study with my friends till late night. I haven't even sleep.." ningning said. "Oh honey. Go wash up and sleep. I'll handle this." Giselle said. Ningning nods and smile at her before walking up the stairs.

Giselle sighs and smile. "The recharge I needed." And just like that she finish everything in just under 2 hours.
"Are you ready for your birthday?" Giselle ask. Gio nods and hugs Giselle tightly. She then carries him and bring him to her shared bedroom with Ningning.

When she finished decorating a few hours ago, she plans to check on Ningning before getting ready. But when she enters her study room, it's empty. No ningning is spotted on the bed.

But when she enters her bedroom. Her heart feels warm seeing her wife sleeping on their bed. She cuddles her for an hour before getting ready.

When Giselle opens the door, she expects to see Ningning still asleep on the bed. But instead what she sees shocks her.

Ningning is standing infront of the mirror. Wearing the same theme clothes as them, Blue and white. Same as Gio birthday party theme.

"Oh? I thought you were asleep." Giselle said. Ningning turns to them and immediately walk towards them. Kissing her son cheek and Giselle lips.

Giselle other arm immediately hugs her wife waist as Gio smile finally able to see his mom. "And miss my Gio birthday?" Ningning said as she carres Gio back. The little boy giggle and hides his face on Giselle shoulder.

Giselle and Ningning smile looking at their son shyness. Just as the little family is having their little moments, a scream from downstairs makes them groan.


"GEEZ YOU AND FOOD KIM MINJEONG." Giselle said making Ningning chuckle.

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