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Ningning stare at her, so many thoughts is running thru her mind. "what?"

"N-No I meant. We should get m-married. Since Gio still doesn't have his certificate since you know...I-I mean I want to help." Giselle reply a little bit stuttering. Ningning continue to stare at her.

It is true, they're currently waiting for the government response about her son birth certificate. Ningning doesn't want to put Alex name on it as his father.

She did fell for Giselle. But she doesn't think she's ready for another relation-

"Okay." Ningning said. Giselle looks at her. "Really?" Giselle ask. Ningning smile, "let's get married unnie."
Giselle slowly open her eyes and look at the clock it's still 3 in the morning. She sits up and looks at Ningning who is asleep on the bed. She glance at the baby next to Ningning. He is already awake. He smile at Giselle.

"You woke up early hmm?" She stand up and sit on the bed. After her proposal last night, Ningning wants them to sleep in the same room, on the same bed again, but last Night Gio wants to stick with his mommy all night. So Giselle ended up on the floor.

"Are you hungry?" She ask as she carres the little boy head. Gio smile at her. Giselle heart melts seeing the baby.

Just then, Ningning notice someone is next to her. "Unnie?" She calls as she slowly opens her eyes. "Yes?" Giselle respond. "Did I woke you?' Giselle ask.

"No..." Ningning respond and sit up. "Are you okay? Did your back hurts? I told you we can just share the bed." Ningning said. Giselle smile and leans in to kiss her cheek. This action caught Ningning off-guard. "It's okay, we're not married yet. So it seems a bit inappropriate if we sleep on the same bed. "

Ningning stare at her. "But we slept on the same bed before." Giselle smile. "That's before Gio is born. Now he's here. He might get mad I stole his mommy away." Giselle said while smiling at the baby. Ningning chuckle and watch Giselle admire her son.

"Let's sleep?" Ningning ask. Giselle nods and place the baby next to her. She then stand up but Ningning holds her arm.

"Yes?" Giselle ask. "Y-You can sleep next to me." Ningning said her cheeks turns red. "Are you sure? I don't want to make you uncomfortable." Giselle said.

Ningning smile and scoot a bit to the middle. Leaving some space for Giselle behind her.

"Sleep here." Giselle then takes her pillow and place it next to Ningning. She slowly lay down. Ningning pretends to make sure Gio is asleep so that they wouldn't feel awkward.

"Are you sleepy?" Giselle ask. Ningning nods. Truth is. She's not even sleepy anymore with how fast her heart is beating right now. "Oh goodnight." Giselle wish her

"Night." Ningning said, back facing Giselle.
Ningning slowly open her eyes, she feels an arm on her waist. Once her vision become clear, she almost jump realising how close she is with Giselle.

"I thought I was back facing her last night..." Ningning said to herself. "Hmm...5 more minutes." Giselle said still half asleep, she pulls Ningning closer.

Ningning stare at her. Her hand slowly move towards Giselle cheeks. "You might be late for work.' Ningning said while carresing her cheeks.

Giselle carres her lower back, eyes still closed. "I'm not going to work." Giselle said. "Why?" Ningning ask.

"You're still not feeling well. I can't leave you." Giselle said. Ningning heart warms hearing what Giselle said. She suddenly feels safe, like she's home.

"I need to prepare breakfast-" Ningning was about to sit up but Giselle immediately takes her glasses from the night stand and stands up. "You get ready for the day. I'll cook." Giselle said and walks towards Gio. She kisses his head and finally walks out to go to the kitchen.

Ningning smile seeing the scene. "I'm falling for her even more."

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