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"why are we here?" Ningning asks as she watches how the cranes move the cargos. Alex smiles and carries their baby then closes the door. "There's a nice restaurant inside here. At the same time we enjoy the sea breeze." He smiles.

Ningning turns to him. "wow you really got paid well by your new work." Ningning smile. Alex nods and holds her hand leading them towards the restaurant.

"Reservation for Alex Lee." Alex said to the waiter. They immediately lead them towards the reserved table.

He smile at Alex and pulls out the menus. "Take your time and call me if you're ready to order." The waiter Jisoon said and walks away smiling. Ningning thank him and look thru the menu. Alex continue reading the menu carefully.

"Have you choose honey?" Alex ask. Ningning nods. He then calls the waiter.


"My wife wants the meatballs spaghetti with apple juice." Alex said. Ningning blushed hearing how he introduced her.

"And I...Hmm...hold on a minute." Alex said. The waiter nods. "I'll have the spicy chicken BBQ with a HINT of LEMON JUICE." Alex said.

"How about Beverages sir." The waiter ask. "Sparkling water." Alex reply and close the menu. The waiter then takes the menu and walk towards the kitchen.

Alex turns to Ningning and smile as the latter does the same.

"Prizes is ready." The waiter said towards the head chef. He then smirk and takes the order. "prepare the meal!"
"Fuck. Where are they?" Giselle whisper. The staff pointed towards the restaurant. Giselle was about to head there when she spot a guy carrying a girl. Then a guy followed him from behind with a baby in his arms.

"Fuck." Giselle curse. She then walk towards her car noticing the guys have entered a black car. Giselle guards then immediately enters her car.

"Ma'am you sure you want to drive?" One of her guard ask. Giselle turns to him and walks out. Walking towards the shotgun seat. Her guards chuckle as the one that was sitting on the shotgun goes to the driver seat.

"Follow them." Giselle said and points towards the car. The guard nods and does as he was told.

"They probably poisoned her that's why she's unconscious." Giselle sigh and looks outside. It is her fault for leaving the house.

Suddenly the car stops. Giselle looks at her driver and notice the car Infront of them, may have noticed them.

Giselle guard pulls something out from his jacket. Giselle only sit back and smirk.

The guy knocks on the window. "Yes?" Giselle guard ask. "I can't help but notice you're following me." He said.

"I am heading this way." The guard said. The guy chuckles and enters his hand thru the window to unlocks the car door. As soon as it opens, The guard immediately aim his gun at his foot and shoot it.

The guy scream and collapsed on the ground due to the pain. The people Infront notice what happened.

Alex immediately jump onto the driver seat and drove away. "KEEP QUIET CAN'T YOU." Alex scream at the baby. He wouldn't stop crying.

"Fuck go after him!" Giselle said. The guard immediately close the door and drove following them. Leaving the guy on the ground.

"Fuck who are these people." Alex said as he glance at the rearview mirror. At that time Ningning started to wake up.

"A-alex?" She calls. "Shut up bitch! Calm your child!" Ningning immediately carries her baby.

"Fuck!" Alex curse when he looks at the fuel bar. It's almost empty. Without thinking he immediately drive towards a small road.

"Yah yah! Slow down! He's about to enter that road!" Giselle said. The guard follows her.

"Fuck!" Alex curse and turns to Ningning. "Put that baby down." He said and pulls out a gun. Ningning was shocked to see he has it. She slowly kisses her son head and puts him on the baby seat.

"Get out." Alex said and walks out of the car. He then opens the door for Ningning and drags her towards the forest.

"Thank god." Alex whisper when he sees that Giselle and her guards finally arrived.

Giselle walk towards the car and found the baby there. She immediately takes him out and carry him.

The baby cries stops and he started to sob on Giselle chest. "Find them." Giselle said to her guards and walk back to her car.

She carres the Baby's back and looks around. "Where is she..."

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