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Giselle is currently preparing to go to work when she notice Ningning sleeping figure. She stare at her thru the mirror and looks back at herself.

"Why do we act like a married couple..." Giselle ask herself. She decided to shrug it off and walk downstairs towards the kitchen. "Breakfast will be ready in a few more minutes ma'am." Her maid inform her. Giselle nods and smile. She then decided to walk towards her indoor garden.

Ningning pats the space beside her noticing it's empty she immediately opens her eyes and looks around. She then stand up and goes back to her room getting ready.

Today is the day she will face her husband in court. She sigh while thinking about it. But she trust Giselle. She knows Giselle will do everything to make sure they win the case.

"Morning. Let's have breakfast together." Giselle said while smiling. Ningning nods and sit at the chair next to Giselle.

"Are you ready?" Giselle ask breaking the silence. Ningning only nods. Giselle smile and continue eating.
"The money I used is mine." He said while looking at the jury. Giselle only stare at him. She hated this guy since high school. But she hated it more the fact that the guy could get Ningning.

"If the card is yours. Where did you get the money. You're jobless." Giselle said. "I didn't use any card. I use cash." He said trying to show off. "You're still jobless. Where did you get the money." Giselle said.

Ningning only stay silent she's nervous. "I gamble." Giselle roll her eyes. Not only did he lie he also did something illegal.

His lawyer have given up at this point. He doesn't know what to do when his client is obviously too dumb.

Giselle then hands the proof to the Judge. The file is filled with pictures of the receipt. He indeed used Ningning card because there's multiple email that shows The card was used in those certain stores.

The jury then decide to arrest Ningning now ex husband and his mother. Ningning sigh in relief. She's now free. She can do whatever she wants now.

Giselle approach her and kiss her head making Ningning blush. Minjeong who sees it only smirk. She sure will tease the hell out of her.
"So now what's your plan?" Jimin ask. Ningning only stare at her food. "I don't know...yet." ningning said. Jimin only nods and eat her food. Meanwhile Minjeong she's been smirking eversince they arrived at the restaurant.

"Really?" She ask. Ningning knows what she meant. She started blushing and ask Minjeong to shut up. Meanwhile Giselle she's only busy eating ignoring whatever is happening infront of her.

"Do you guys want ice cream?" Minjeong and Giselle immediately nods. "No no!~ you can't." Jimin bop Minjeong nose. Minjeong only pout. Giselle chuckles and order ice cream for the two pregnant woman. Jimin eventually found a way to let Minjeong eat the ice cream without making her eat it.
"Unnie?" Ningning calls her. Giselle only hums while looking at her laptop. They're currently in Giselle room. On the bed.

"Tomorrow is my check up." Ningning said. Giselle turns to her and smile. "I'll tell my secretary I'll go to the company late." Ningning smile. She knows Giselle will do everything for her but she didn't expect she'll go to work late just for her. She knows Giselle well. She will never go to any places late.

"Sleep now." Giselle said while carresing her baby bump. Ningning nods closing her eyes.
"The baby is healthy. Just 1 more month until you give birth. Have you choose which hospital." The doctor ask. Ningning stay quiet she doesn't know where. she doesn't even have any money on her right now.

"Samsung Medical Centre." Giselle said. The doctor immediately looks up at her. Probably shocked. Giselle only smile and stare at the picture of the baby inside Ningning's.

"Isn't Samsung expensive..." Ningning ask. The doctor slowly nods.

"I can just make more money. No need to worry. I would rather lose everything else rather than losing you."

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