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It's been a week after they had dinner at Giselle's place. Ningning is trying to make up her mind. But her husband started to become sweet to her a day after the dinner.

"Please... I'm hungry." Ningning begs them to open the door. Yes they have locked Ningning in her room after Ningning mentioned to him the other night that she almost divorced him. "Starve." He answered from outside.

"Please Honey... I'm carrying your child..I haven't eat for 2 days." Ningning begs. He didn't answer. Ningning assume he already walks away.
It's already Nighttime. Ningning notice that all of the lights is off. She looks outside her window and notice her car is not there. So they probably went out.

She tries to open the window but it's locked. She then looks around and slowly walk towards the trophies case.

"I'm sorry." Ningning said before slamming the heavy weight towards the window. It immediately breaks. Thank god there's a ladder next to her window. She then slowly climbs down the ladder and runs towards her neighbours house.

"Yes?-" the neighbour open the door. She was shocked to see Ningning looks as if she was locked up for days. Which is true.

"Can I borrow your phone?" The lady then immediately let her enter. She then ready some food for Ningning while Ningning calls Minjeong.


"Minjeong!" Ningning calls her. It's also been a week since she last talked to her. "I'm hanging up." Minjeong said but Ningning fast to stop her.

"Min.. Please help me." Just by those 3 words Minjeong immediately listens to her best friend. "They locked me up Min! They went out right now so I thought the opportunity to escape! I'm at my neighbours house. Please help me." Ningning said.

"Wait there. Aeri is already on her way there. I'll report it to the police okay?" Minjeong said. Turns out she was actually having dinner with Jimin and Giselle again.

They ended the call. When Minjeong got the call Giselle immediately looks at her. She's been having bad feelings lately but she doesn't know why. When Minjeong mouth to them it's Ningning she immediately focus. She heard everything that Ningning said. The moment she heard "I'm at my neighbour house." She immediately dash out of the restaurant and run towards her car.

The couple know where she's going so they just let her be.

"Eat this dear..." Irene said and serve the food to Ningning. Ningning thank her and started to tell her about everything. Irene pulls her into a hug and carres her back to comfort her.

Suddenly a knock can be heard on the door. The two girls look at each other before Irene looks at the peephole. When she sees it's not Ningning mother in law or husband she opens the door.

"Is Ningning here?" Giselle ask. "Giselle unnie?" Ningning calls her. Giselle remove her shoes and bow to Irene. She then run towards Ningning and cup her cheeks checking if she's okay.

"You don't have to remove- okay." Irene said and close the door. "Thank you for taking care of her. How much do I have to pay-" Giselle pull out her wallet.

Irene eyes widen when she sees how thick her wallet is. She then rejects her offer. " No no. It's fine. Just take her away from them... it's unsafe especially when she's pregnant." Irene said. Giselle and Ningning thank her again before Giselle brings Ningning to her car. Of course not forgetting to wear her shoes.

When they were about to leave they saw Ningning car pull up infront of the house. They saw Ningning husband and mother in law exit the car carrying a lot of branded bags.

Giselle just drive away.
"Hospital?" Ningning ask. Giselle unbuckle her belt and helps Ningning too. She then gets out of the car and open the door for Ningning. "We need to make sure the baby's fine."

Giselle then brings her inside. During the check up Giselle stay by Ningning side. Not leaving her not even a millisecond.

"Your baby is fine. But make sure your wife don't miss her meals again." The doctor said. "She's not my wife." Giselle said. Ningning started to get embarrassed. The doctor only looks at them and write something on her paper. "I'll give you some vitamins. Don't do heavy works for a few weeks."
"You can stay here for awhile. Giselle said and lead Ningning to one of her guestrooms. "Thank you..." Ningning thank her. Giselle smile and carres her head. "The police will be here tomorrow. Go take a bath and head to bed." Giselle place a new set of pyjamas and undergarment on the bed.

"Is it yours?" Ningning ask. Giselle chuckles. "No. I always prepare this things for people who comes to my house."

Ningning looks at her weirdly. "No. No one ever visit my house before. I meant this house. Just in case you know my soulmate is someone who I met and needed help so atleast I prepared something." Giselle said. Ningning smile looking at her.

"You and your delulu mind." Giselle only smile at her hearing that. She then walks out to give Ningning some privacy. She calls Minjeong and update her about her best friend.

"Ahh!" Giselle sigh and sit on her couch. She then notice the tablet on the coffee table. She checks it. That's the device her Maids use to check all the chores and leave memos to Giselle or Giselle updating them about something.

Giselle made the app herself and it's all installed in her staffs/maids devices. "Should remind them to cook extra food " she said before typing.

"Please cook something that is healthy for a pregnancy woman tomorrow. I have a guest over. All of you will get a raise. Thank you."

"Unnie." Ningning calls her. Giselle looks up and sees Ningning standing shyly next to her already wearing the pyjamas she gave her.

Giselle smile and stand up. "You can head to bed now." Giselle said. Ningning nods and walks back towards the room.
"Go check up on her." The text that pop up on Giselle notification. It's from Minjeong. She then sends an 'okay' and stand up carrying her laptop and phone. When she enters Ningning room.

The girl is sleeping peacefully. Giselle smile and was about to leave when suddenly Ningning started crying.

"Ning?" She calls her and place her things on the vanity. She walks closer towards the sleeping girl. "Ning?"

Ningning opens her eyes when she feels someone carresing her tummy. She then sit up and hugs Giselle. "Accompany me please... I'm scared to be alone." Giselle was shocked by the hug. But then she hugs her back and carres her back.

"Go back to sleep. I'll turn off my laptop first." She said and slowly stands up turning of her laptop and taking her phone. Placing it on the nightstand. Ningning only watch her.

Giselle then remove her slippers and glasses. She goes under the cover opening her arms for Ningning.

"Come here baby."

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