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Days Turns into months. 7 months had passed, in that short amount of time a lot things changed within their relationship.

Ningning started medical school and is always busy. Giselle she rarely goes to work just so that she can look after Gio. Sometimes she even brings him to work.

Giselle never complained not even once. Even when her boss scream at her face and tells her to do better at her job or just quit. But the older girl just put on a smile and continue working.

She never complained when Ningning goes straight to her study room instead of greeting her and Gio first. She even prepare Ningning clothes and meal just so that the girl don't have to worry about her wife health.

Giselle never complained that she's started to get lonely at home. There are times she wants to continue working but then she wouldn't have time to look after the house and Gio. Sometimes quitting is the best answer, but Giselle loves her job. It's her dream. She decides she wants to ask her wife about it.

So she prepared a good meal and wait for her in the living room. Just then the doors open revealing Ningning. Ningning spots her and smile.

"Welcome back baby." Giselle said. Ningning pecks her on the lips and walk upstairs towards her study room.

Giselle watch as her wife walks away without saying a word. Her smile is still on her face. Although it is breaking her, she remains to smile because she understands how much her wife wants to be a doctor.

Giselle sigh and looks around. The papers that she keeps on writing what she will say to Ningning is scattered on the coffee table. "Well " she smile. "Maybe next time."
The next time never comes. One night when Ningning was at school, Gio suddenly started throwing up. Giselle panics and immediately carry him to the car, driving towards the hospital in a rush.

As soon as she arrives, she immediately calls the hospital staff to help her son. Her heart wouldn't stop beating fast as seconds passes. She calls Ningning but all the girl said is "I'm in class. Don't call me"

"B-But Gio he's-" Giselle word were cut off. "I'm sure you can handle it." The last words Ningning said before ending the call. Giselle sigh and covers her face. She sits on the chair and wait for the doctor.
"He's got food poisoning. But don't worry. I will give him some medicine it will help. Just please make sure the food is fresh next time before letting him eat it." The doctor said.

Giselle nods and thank him. Just when she walks out of the hospital with Gio in her arms. She notice a familiar girl at the cafeteria. "Oh right- this is the university hospital.' Giselle said. Gio notice her too and points his finger at her. "Mommy!" He calls her. Giselle smile and pats his back. "Yeah it's mommy." Giselle smile. She looks at her phone not even a single text asking if Gio is okay now from his own mother.

Giselle assumed that she's just probably busy discussing something with her friends she will probably ask later. Giselle smile and chose to not approach them. She then walk towards her car and place Gio in his car seat.

As soon as she starts the engine. She looks at Gio thru the rearview mirror and smile. "Where are we going baby?" She ask.

"Firetrufk!" Gio said. Giselle smile and nods. "Okay firetruck it is."
"Um..sorry ma'am your cards declined." The cashier said. Giselle smile and hands her cash instead. "Sorry I probably forgot to fill it up."

The cashier smile. "It's okay ma'am. He's your firetruck handsome boy!" She hands the truck to Gio. Gio eyes sparkle as soon as he sees it.

Giselle smile and thank the cashier before they walk out of the store. Giselle glance at her phone before sighing and walk towards the car park.

Just then she saw Ningning again with the same group of friends enters the mall. "it's lunch time. They probably wants to grab lunch here." Giselle smile and enters her car. "But I packed lunch for her..." Giselle said.

She shake the thoughts off and starts driving.
As soon as she arrives home she place Gio in his room. The poor baby fell asleep in the car.

She then walks towards the kitchen and request to talk to their maid. "I'm sorry...but I don't think I can pay you anymore." Giselle apologies. The lady nods and smile. "I understand your financial problem right now ma'am." The lady said. Giselle smile in relief as she watch the girl walks back to her room and gets her things.

Giselle with a heavy heart thank the lady and gave her some money. She have been working for her for years now. But Giselle find out the only way to afford paying the bills at the house is by eliminating some expenses.

She then looks around the house and sigh. She looks at the email she sent her boss. She's still waiting for her approval.
It's now Ningning midterm break. In 2 days it's Gio birthday. But ever since the break starts Ningning never left her study room. Or the only reason she left the room is to get a glass of water, going to sleep next to Giselle which only happens Three times during those break, or when she wants to go out with her friends only those.

But Giselle not once complained because she understands that Ningning left her happiness just for that bastard of a guy. But now she have friends around her and she's chasing her dream. Giselle doesn't want to stress her.

But when Gio birthday is approaching and Ningning doesn't show any interest not even one bit Giselle can't help but to wonder about it. "It's her son first birthday... I'm sure she remembers it." Giselle said.

"I mean which mom doesn't right." Giselle said. But when she saw Ningning lock screen that proves her wrong. Ningning never had a password on her phone before and her wallpaper is Gio.

But now she have set up a password and the wallpaper is her study schedule. Giselle glance at message that enters and her eyes couldn't believe what she sees.

Ningning herself invited her friends to go out on her own son's birthday. 

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