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Just 5 more days until Ningning gives birth. Giselle is always by her side. Lately Giselle always brought home baby stuffs for the baby.

"How's the baby?" Giselle ask as she leans her ear near Ningning tummy. Ningning giggle and carres Giselle head. It caught the older girl off guard for a second.

"It. Behaves well today." Ningning smile. Giselle suddenly kiss her tummy. "You should always behave okay? So that you wouldn't hurt mommy."

If you're a stranger and you see how they act you probably would thought they're a married couple who is expecting their first child. But the truth is, it's a one sided friendship.

"Well then. You should get ready. You're going to give birth in a few more days." Giselle stand up. Ningning then reach her arm out, asking for Giselle to help her.

Giselle chuckles and pulls her up. They both then stand up together and head towards the bedroom. They are starting to sleep together.

"You Don't even allow me to do anything. You said everything is prepared." Ningning said. Giselle nods at her. "Yes. Look. Your stuffs is there and the baby's stuff. So no need to worry. When your tummy hurts just tell me okay? We'll immediately go to the hospital." Giselle said holding her robe and enters the bathroom.

Ningning then lay down on the bed and carres her tummy. "Sigh...I owe her a lot..." Ningning said while carresing her tummy.

Ningning Pov

I must admit. Giselle unnie is a really good person. She helped me a lot and she never left me behind. Even in high school she spends a lot of money for me.

Sometimes I even started to imagine my baby with Giselle unnie. Unnie will buy her everything she wants. Unnie will look after her the way she looks after me. She will become the father figure of my baby. Just by imagining the baby calling her Dad, Papa or Mama. Makes my heart beat faster.

The door to the bathroom suddenly opens revealing Giselle unnie. I pretended to sleep.

"Oh you're asleep?" I heard her said. Suddenly I feel her lips on forehead and her soft hands carresing my hair. "Sleep well."

My cheeks redden by her daily habits. She always do this. She never skip a day where she won't kiss my head and wish me goodnight.

I was about to fall asleep when I feel a hand on my tummy. I look down and notice her carresing it. I turns to her and she only smile at me.

"Sleep now Ningie and baby Ningie." She said and snuggles closer to me. This unnie really knows how to make my heart melt for her.
"Unnie?" Ningning calls for her. Giselle turns to her and turns off her phone. "My water broke." Giselle without thinking twice immediately run upstairs and take the bags she have prepared.

She then run downstairs and opens the door for Ningning. She helps Ningning enters the car and they immediately drive to SMC.

"Ning Yizhou." Giselle said to the nurse working at the counter. The nurse immediately stand up and calls someone.

A few seconds later, around 6 nurses immediately run towards them with a stretcher. They then place Ningning on it.

"Don't worry ma'am. We have been preparing for this since you last called us a few weeks ago." The nurse assure Giselle.

Giselle nods and follow them from behind.

"I apologise but only the spouse can enter." The doctor said. But suddenly Ningning scream from the background. "I need her! Please!"

Giselle immediately enter and the nurses help her wear the protection scrubs. She then stand beside ningning and holds her hand.

'since when is she this strong?' Giselle ask herself when Ningning grip on her hand. "Push!" The doctor said. Ningning follows what she said.

"You can do this mommy." Giselle said and kiss Ningning hand. "Unnie." Ningning groan. It really hurts.

"You can do it. I'm here." With that a sound of baby crying filled the room. Ningning feels like she wants to pass out, but then Giselle immediately kiss her head making her wake up. "You can't immediately sleep Ning."

"Here she is." The doctor hands The baby to Giselle. "Do you want to cut the cord?" The doctor ask smiling at Ningning and Giselle.

"We'll take the baby for a moment." The nurse said. Giselle nods and focus on Ningning. "Are you okay?" Giselle ask.

Suddenly Ningning started crying. Giselle was shocked by her sudden burts. "What's wrong?" She ask.

"I'm hungry."

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