until we fall

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chapter 005

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chapter 005. i could be dead in the next five seconds...?

[ we can't let him win ]


[name] took the first few steps towards zala while cracking her knuckles, and this time, she readied her fists, no longer wanting to drag this out.

meanwhile, nami began to experiment with oddly-colored bubbles blowing out from her clima-tact, using this as a chance to figure out usopp's instructions. 

running to zala with her fist pulled back, [name] took the first attack and threw the punch, using it as a distraction to only pull her foot up and nearly miss the woman's chin by an inch, it's immense speed leaving her blue hair flying while missing it. 

the woman pulled out another spike from her palm, using it as a knife and attacking the girl within her reach. [name] dodged its sharp edge with her eyes stuck on it entirely, not blinking even once, and instead tried to grab her hand to subdue it tightly, her grip tight and nearly cracking the woman's bones.

[name] pulled her free hand back and seeped breath through her teeth, landing her fist against the woman's stomach and leaving a shock of wind around her, cracking the glass of the windows in the alleyway.

zala spit blood once more, holding her stomach in pain to realize nami suddenly threw the weapon she had towards her like a boomerang, colliding against her arms that the woman used to block, but it backfired on her.

ms. doublefinger was thrown far back into a pile of barrels and crates, taking even more damage than she just had with the [h/c]-haired female who held her wrist, watching it happen while giving a thumbs up to nami for her surprise attack.

"one uses a strange weapon and another has monstrous strength!" she grunted, getting up slowly while holding her stomach, "what's with these two girls?!"

ms. doublefinger charged towards nami this time, her back facing the woman and [name] nowhere in sight. she screamed, forming spikes out of her hand, "pay attention until one of us wins!" nami turned over, "to show your back to your enemy during the battle...aren't you taking this a bit too lightly?!"

much to her shock though...nami's stabbed figure disappeared into thin air.

and what came from behind it was a determined [name] with her fist pulled back, appearing from nowhere just as nami disappeared into nowhere. ms doublefinger's eyes went as small as dots, realizing she had just fallen into a trap.

a trap where [name]'s fist finally collided with zala's chin, instantly breaking her jaw and making her lip bleed, and furthermore, making her fly back to the other end of the street with eyes losing their color for a small moment. she nearly lost consciousness if not for biting her own lip and taking a brought landing on the dirty ground with a few rolls.

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