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As soon as the Han family arrived at the said house, Jisung was actually amazed as to how big this house is. His mom really did invested a lot for this and it's actually a shame if he didn't try living in it.

"Mom, just how much did you invest to this house? It's big. We could even fit in here together with the Lee family you're talking about" Han stated and his Dad laugh at his rude, but understandable remark.

"Shush! They're your godparents and you don't even acknowledge them as that. I won't tell you the price, but it's worth it if you're not going to be alone" his mom replied and he just rolled his eyes.

As soon as they got inside, Jisung was already overwhelmed by his parents loud voice when they finally met his godparents.

"Oh my god Jisung is that you already?!" that's when Jisung flashed a smile despite the over flowing affection he got which is too much for him. He bowed a few times and helplessly received the hug they gave him. "You're so tall now! The last time I saw you, you were very small and timid! You're very handsome now"

"It's nice to meet you ma'am and sir" Jisung greeted and didn't let go of the smile that's about to be crooked because of how forced he is to do it.

"Oh come on, honey. Just call us aunt and uncle. You're too formal and we're family here so no need to" his aunt responded and he just shyly smiled. "Oh you have to meet your hyung and your brother! They're inside and they're playing games. You should go there and introduce yourself while we ready the food"

That's what Jisung wasn't expecting. He thought he's just going to deal with one person and he didn't know that they are actually brothers. One person is already too much for him.

When his parents and godparents left the room, he instantly saw their heads in the living room and he was actually frozen. How is he supposed to introduce himself if they're playing games?

"Oh hello!" he flinched when he heard someone behind his back so he immediately turned around and saw some random dude who was smiling at him. Now they're three people? "Who are you?"

"Oh I'm Han Jisung and you are?" he asked and he got embarrassed when the guy started to scan him. That's rude.

"I'm sorry that was rude. I was just checking if you're a relative since I don't really recognize you. Are you Felix's cousin?" he guessed that Felix is one of his godparents' son so he shake his head—disagreeing. "I'm Hwang Hyunjin, btw. I'm friends with them"

"To be honest, I don't know who Felix is, but I'm guessing he's one of the sons of my godparents. We're not related. Our parents are just childhood friends. I don't even know how to tell them I'm here since they're busy playing" he responded and Hyunjin chuckled a little.

"You know what? Let's just go and interrupt them" Hyunjin dragged him inside and he got extremely shy when the taller pushed him down the couch beside the guy he doesn't even know. "Stop the game, idiots. You have a visitor and you don't even get up and greet them"

"Oh my god. The Han Jisung is already here!? Mom! You didn't even call us?" said the blonde guy who got up and ran towards the kitchen to greet Jisung's parents. "It's nice to meet you Jisung! I'm Yongbok! But just call me Felix since everyone calls me that now. I'm a fan! I've been listening to one of your songs and they're really good!"

"Felix, you're being loud. Introduce yourself properly" that's when Jisung took notice of how the other guy is not that expressive unlike Felix. "I'm Lee Minho and I'm the older than Felix"

"I'm Han Jisung" he timidly answered and Hyunjin was kind of amused on how he is similar to their hyung. "Oh I am 23 years old. I hope I'm not being rude if I'm the youngest"

Minho then got up to also greet Jisung's parents and Jisung doesn't even know why he got intimidated by him. Is he really like that? He's hard to read.

"Wait, we're all the same age! Except for this old man, he's 25" Felix then pointed at Minho and Jisung was actually relieved.

"Wait, you're Jisung? As in the producer? The one who wrote Seungmin's song?" Hyunjin asked and he was actually so surprised. "Seungmin sent me your guide and dude you're so fucking good!"

"Language!!" both of Felix's and Jisung's parents yelled.

"Sorry aunties!!" he responded and the elders laughed at him.

"I'll just go up and have a rest. I have an early work tomorrow. I'll see you around" Minho suddenly stated and walked upstairs without waiting for their responses.

"I'm so glad you are our new brother! I can't believe we're connected to someone so famous!" Felix was really happy about it and Jisung could actually tell how genuine he is.

"I am not that famous and hearing it from a family does feel weird. I'm just a normal person who can write and produce a song. Not a big deal" this is his first time being hyped up by someone in their family. Most of his cousins don't really give a damn if he's having a world tour or even shaking hands with all of the biggest celebrities out there. They always see him as the sick person who can't go outside and can't play with them.

"Yeah as if jyp being your boss is not a big deal. Bro you are 3racha and stop being so humble about it. You're friends with Bang Chan and Changbin. Even my friend Seungmin got to work with you" Hyunjin replied and Jisung actually appreciated that they really know who he is.

"True! Imagine my cousins getting jealous that I'm living with someone so famous!" Felix squealed and Hyunjin laughed at him.

"You're already living with someone famous, Lix. Minho hyung and I are also popular!" Hyunjin faked cried that Jisung got a little bit confused. "But yeah Jisung is a lot more popular than us"

"Oh you live here too, Hyunjin?" Jisung asked. "What do you guys do for a living then?"

"Yeah I moved in with them since aunt Jihyo convinced my mom. You won't believe how happy I am when I heard I'll be leaving my parents" Hyunjin replied and Jisung just happily nodded because they're actually the same. "And to answer your last question, we're dancers. We are choreographers under 1M"

"Minho hyung is a model" Felix added, doesn't want his brother to be left behind.

"Oh really? That's cool. We all know the feeling of being extra careful in public"

"True. Mom is so strict with us so they had to invest to this house. I got actually happy because of the tight security and this place is kinda hidden. Paparazzi's don't even know this area" that's when Jisung realized why his mom wanted him to move in here.

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