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"Han Jisung? Are you ready to go?"

"Do I even have a choice, mom?"

"No. Now get your ass up because we'll be late"

"Dad can I go back here after the dinner? I'll drive"

"No. Listen to your mom"

"I don't want to sleep there, let alone live there just because it's near my workplace"

"How old are you again?"

"Don't hold that against me, mom. I'm old enough to make my own decisions"

"Jisung we talked about this. No leaving under my rules until you turn 30"

"This isn't your life we're talking about"

"And you have to listen to me. If you're going to live with them, I'll let you be on your way"

"Mom isn't it weird that you're going to let me live with the people I don't even know? What if they think we don't have money anymore?"

"Have you forgetten that we basically own the house too? We invested in that house for you and their children to live in. Isn't that fun?"

"It's not. I don't even know these people"

"But you know your godmother"

"Yeah when I was like 5"

"Jisung don't be stubborn"

"Mom you're being stubborn too. You control my life so much"

"Honey he's right. Why don't we just get him a house near his workplace? Jisung is old. You have to let him do whatever he wants. He's earning money and he can even provide for himself. Don't you think?"

"Jisung, if you got sick again, who do you think will help you if you're alone? What if you passed out again?"

"Mom I'm fine now. The doctors said I should be living a normal life now"

"I'm still worried"

"Mom you have to trust me"

"Honey, you have to. We talked about this"

"But the Lee's are expecting Jisung to move in. I can't back out now"

"Fine. I'm going to live with them for a few months then I'll find my own place after that"

"Okay deal"


hiiii! after a while, i got to write another stray kids ship again hihi tbh idrk how this story would end up but i'm trusting myself for this one hahaha the plot in my head is still kinda rough but i'm trying to at least just go with the flow so bear with me guys! enjoooooy ^~^

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