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Father went to his work the next day and I was left alone in our new apartment. I'd prepared lunch in the early dawn itself as I didn't want my dad to eat canteen food or hotel ones and as a result, I had no heavy work to do. Hence I watched a few horror movies and then dozed off after taking the lunch.

I rose again at late 4 pm and refreshed while vibing to a song. Cloaking on my comfort clothes, a reddish brown nightdress, I prepared a cup of tea for myself alone as father said that he might arrive late.

With the tea mug secured in my hand, I turn the television on and land myself on the couch comfortably. I put on a music channel and as If god wanted me to feel blissful, one of my favorite mood-lifting songs 'Nakka mukka' plays and I couldn't help but raise the volume to the maximum.

I took a huge sip of the tea and quickly completed the same as my body pushed me to dance to the song.

If anyone saw me in the current state, they would probably assume that I'm insane but lord, who would be able to stop their body from swaying while such an energetic song pops up?

I danced till the song came to an end and only then did I heed the harsh knocks resonating inside the dwelling. Regulating my breath and heaving chest, I doubtfully saunter towards the door to unlock it. Upon pulling the barrier away, I was met with the Devdas in all his depressing glory, seemingly furious over something.

I had the idea to close the door on his face but I dismissed it as I'd already done it in the balcony the past day. I believe he understood the reference behind the action and If he doesn't, I wouldn't hesitate before repeating it.

"Yes?" I ask, innocuously, staring at his whiskey eyes. "Any party going on in your flat?" He questions blankly, almost with no emotion and I frown at him but soon realize the underlying meaning as another song bursts out loud.

"No...but-" he cuts me off sharply and snaps. "Then why the fuck do you have the volume at its highest?" I was taken aback by his swearing and momentarily stood there in surprise, unable to accumulate words to retort to him.

"Be mindful of your surroundings," he presses and walks off to his flat, slamming the door shut. It took me a while to load back into normality and when I did so, the first thing I did was to decrease the volume and storm over to my cranky neighbor's flat.

What does he think of himself, huh? Yes, I agree I was in the wrong to have raised the volume without considering my surroundings and how it might disturb my neighbours. However, it was absolutely unnecessary and mean of him to use degrading terms over such a meager inconvenience.

I will teach him a lesson today!

Halting before the closed door, I knock on it fiercely and continuously until he couldn't endure anymore and opens the door eventually.

"What the hell do you want now?" He seethes and I felt my stomach burn with anger. Why would a person become this indignant over someone listening to a song aloud?

"I want an apology, mister!" My eyebrows corrugate as I demand it with my eyes shooting invisible bullets right on his face.

"Oh, sorry to say, but I don't sell that here," he goes on to shut the door but I quickly grip the edge of the wooden door.

"I will surely remember to laugh at your joke some other time Mister. But I won't let you go until you apologize to me for being needlessly rude. You could have politely asked me to reduce the volume and I would have done that with no objections whatsoever. That's how people are to behave with one another, with 'good mannerisms' which you obviously lack so! Anyway, what's done can't be altered but now you have a chance to redeem it by apologizing. So do it before I involve my dad in it," my breath comes out hot as I quell my words and await his response.

Something about his attitude gave off the sign that he wouldn't apologize and proving my prediction just right, he leans a bit close to my face and mutters in a cool tone, "Do whatever you please but you would never have me apologize to you..." He then lends me a nonchalant look and disappears inside his flat while I exist there motionlessly with my body simmering in anger.

Well, If he wants to get this going the hard way then let it be. I will have my father handle him.

Biting my inner cheeks, I retreat to my apartment and settle on the couch, deliberately increasing the song's volume to its finest.

I had a cynical smirk on my lips as I imagine him groaning due to the high volume of the song. My eyebrows furrow as I didn't receive the anticipated scenario come to reality. I expected the Devdas to storm in again but there was no trace of him...

A while later, I heed knocks and a devilish smile covers my brims as I victoriously climb off the couch and saunter towards the door.

I was a bit taken aback when my Father gazed at me as soon as I unfasten the door. He seems quite displeased...

And then my eyes catch the sight of the Devdas who was standing to the right of my father, appearing naive but I could easily see the mischievous glint on his face.

God...wait, did he complaint to my father already? I was to do it first!

Giving an infuriated look to my neighbor, I slowly move my eyes to Father. "We are not alone here ma. Playing songs with such high volume is not good manners while we have neighbors close to our flat. Apologize to him Kuyil," with my eyelids round, I glare towards the Devdas. This is very unfair!

"Appa, you don't know- "Apologize Kuyil, I know what happened. This man here already told me everything," My mouth falls apart in shock. He must have lied to my father about what had actually occurred.

"And you believed him appa? He is a liar pa! What really happened was--My neighbor chops my sentence off with his appealing words.

"Sir, your daughter doesn't have to apologize to me. She doesn't seem to realize her fault yet and it's alright sir...just don't let her repeat this again," speechlessly, I stare at my neighbor and then dart my view to father who was looking at him with twinkling eyes.

No father...don't trust him! He's not a gentleman.

"Apologize Kuyil!" How can my father not differentiate between deception and truth? Well...I can't blame him, the neighbor's acting is noteworthy and realistic at its best.

"It's okay sir, I'll be retiring then," The neighbour sweetly mumbles and my father pins me with a harsh gaze. "If you don't, I will have to apologize on your behalf! Would you like that Kuyil?" I shake my head regretfully and turn my hatred-crammed eyes to the neighbor.

"I'm sorry," I grit out through my teeth and I could see the smirk lingering at the edge of his lips.

I will get back to you!

My mind throws at him and as If he heard my unsaid words, he slightly raises his eyebrows.

"What's your name again..?" My father asks the neighbor and he utters softly, "Vishwa,"

Vishwa...you have rubbed me wrong and you will have to endure my wrath henceforth.

"Ah Vishwa, would you mind coming in for a tea?" My father further asks. He has taken a liking to this neighbor for sure...

"There's no milk left to prepare tea," words splatter out before I can regulate it and Father glances at me, uncertainly.

"Well, maybe next time sir," Vishwa replies with a gentle smile, thawing my father with his act.

Then they both started to converse casually like long-lost friends and I felt lost...

Minutes later, I couldn't withstand standing there and left the place with a huff.


The past days have been hectic, due to both external as well as internal factors. There were days when I felt I should quit writing as my mind was filled with plenty of negative thoughts...Felt as though whatever I'm doing was not enough. Thanks a lot for waiting patiently guys❤️

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